The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader:

Cultural atmosphere needs support

The Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the country's cultural atmosphere needs support.
Addressing officials of the Islamic Propagation Organization and publication industry, Ayatollah Khamenei said book is a main, prime and indispensable issue in the field of culture.
IR Leader said that the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense created invaluable treasury with high capacity which should be explored for publication and promotion of the culture of the Islamic Revolution and religious values.
Ayatollah Khamenei said books on the Sacred Defense can raise the analytical understanding of the people.
The IR Leader added that Islamic Revolution of Iran and its establishment as well as the post-Islamic Revolution events and the Iranians' 30-year resistance to the conspiracies and the national endeavors to bring about prosperity in the face of big international challenges are highly significant to be raised in cultural works.
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the need to take decisive measures to write sound and real history of Islamic Revolution and to make up for failures of the past.
The Islamic Revolution Leader drew attention of the audience to the attempts made by certain individuals to fabricate the history and spread immoralities by writing book.
"The Islamic Revolution in Iran offers a huge potential for publishers to promote religious and revolutionary values in Iran and other countries," IR Leader added.
"Of course, good and promising efforts have been made in the field of culture and literature in the country over the past years. Extra support and disciplines should be considered."
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