The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI should turn into a reliable reference for Islamic world

Receiving thousands of teachers from all over the country, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei pointed to the teachers' vital and great role in creating and cultivating innovative, thoughtful, religious and self-confident human beings in order to continue the country's progress, stressing: "The Iranian nation should achieve a stage of progress and exaltation so that it turns from intellectual and scientific aspects and different political and social fields into a reliable reference for nations and the thinkers of the Islamic world, and this is the Iranian nation's historical responsibility."
Commemorating the martyr master Morteza Motahhari and the Teachers' Day, IR Leader called Motahhari the martyr as a complete teacher with a sense of responsibility, adding: "That great man entered bravely any arena that he felt the society has different questions and needs, and considerations and interests never blocked him."
"The martyr Motahhari, contrary to some claimants of religious intellectualism that used to present concepts void of religious content with religious paint, presented to the society real religious concepts in coordination with the needs of the day and the audience's understanding," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Stressing that the martyr Motahhari never sought seminary and academic name and title, he added: "That martyr during his life fought religious innovation and deviatory and eclectic thoughts with the same strength that he fought reactionary thoughts and petrifaction and this was one of the prominent characteristics of the martyr Motahhari."
IR Leader regarded one of the excellent characteristics of the martyr Motahhari's works as their liveliness and novelty, stressing: "The reason why after 30 years of that master's martyrdom and despite different progresses, the martyr Motahhari's works are still respondent to many of today's needs, is that great man's sincerity."
"Whenever a deep thought is accompanied with sincerity, God grants that thought a blessing that remains for the society as an eternal reserve and the martyr Motahhari's works are so," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
Considering the effect of the martyr Motahhari's scientific and cultural works as an example of the magnitude of education and cultivation and referring to the teachers' vital role, he said: "If teachers always consider the magnitude and greatness of the effect of their work, their faith, incentive, movement and effort will intensity."
IR Leader regarded the teacher's role and effect in forming children's and teenagers' personality and social personality as further than the effect of parents, media, social issues and even spiritual and ethical hereditary factors, adding: "The teacher with this prominent role can cultivate a faithful, enthusiast, patient, hopeful of the future, pursuant of public interests, interested in achieving the peaks of personal and social evolution, innovative, thoughtful and researching human being."
The Leader of Islamic Revolution said should teachers fail to appreciate the importance of their role they would educate people not favorable to the society. 
Ayatollah Khamenei urged all teachers not to forget their duty adding that a fundamental change in the education system should be made in compliance with the needs and goals of the country. 
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added that to compensate for the deficiencies of the past a major move was required emphasizing that "the country and the nation should gain the stature they deserve and become an excellent model for the Islamic world."
Ayatollah Khamenei said that in order to achieve that goal all intellectual and physical resources of the nation should be utilized.  
"If Iranians took their rightful position in the world it would lead to a change in the Muslim world and a change in the Muslim world would certainly change the whole world," the Leader of Islamic Revolution said.   
Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of the world's current situation as morally bad adding that the humankind could be spared a terrifying fate but first the country should change so as to become a model for the world.
He continued that education was the basis of every change and since the foundation had been laid in the past thirty years, and despite the difficulties, promising future was ahead. 
Ayatollah Khamenei also added that no power in the world could obstruct the country's forward movement adding that long years of experience had proven it.
"In a forward movement what is important is that every one fulfills his or her duty," the Leader of Islamic Revolution said. 
In the end Ayatollah Khamenei urged education authorities to fulfill their duties with enthusiasm and hard work.
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