The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

The nation will defeat threatening powers

The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei receiving hundreds of nurses and hospital staff acknowledged the role of nurses in improving the patients' physical and spiritual health.
Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zeinab (P.B.U.H.), the granddaughter of the Messenger of Islam whose birth anniversary is celebrated as the Nurse Day every year, adding that she had always been a religious icon for Iranians throughout history for her unwavering faith in God.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the Islamic Revolution was influenced by the historical movement of Hazrat Zeinab (P.B.U.H.), adding that Iran's 30 years of inspiring role in the Muslim world was the result of adopting the path of religious figures such as Hazrat Zeinab (P.B.U.H.).

The Leader of Islamic Revolution asserted that despite the great leap in acquiring military technologies, the nation's real power came not from military equipments but faith in God.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the rapid developments despite 30 years of economic sanctions, military attacks, and threats as self-evident of Iranians absolute faith.   

The Leader of Islamic Revolution asserted that implicit nuclear threats would not affect Iranians, yet they would be a disgrace to the US foreign policy and a dark point in the history of the American government.

"The threat has revealed what is going on behind making a show of friendship, altruism, devotion to nuclear treaties, and extending the hand of friendship towards the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"The atomic threat against the Iranian nation is in fact a change from the fox-like literature of the American government to wolf-like literature," IR Leader said.

Stressing that atomic powers especially America are after using the atomic power to dominate the world, Ayatollah Khamenei added: "None of these atomic powers is committed to international conventions on nuclear weapons and act according to them; they lie explicitly, but when other countries go after using the nuclear technology, they (atomic powers) accuse them of not acting according to international conventions, because these powers do not want any rival to them to exist."

Reaffirming the nuclear policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he said: "We have repeatedly said that we were not after using weapons of mass destruction, but the Iranian nation will not surrender in front of such threats and bluffs and will bring the threatening powers to their knees."

Stressing that, international circles should not easily pass by the American president's atomic threat against the Iranian nation, IR Leader asked: "According to which right, does the American president threaten the Iranian nation with nuclear attack?"

"This threat is a threat against world peace and security and humanity; and nobody in the world should dare even utter such a threat," he added.

Emphasizing that the Iranian nation is undefeatable in front of such threats, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "The Iranian nation will by no means let the Americans once again renew their hellish dominance on Iran by such threats or tools."

"This nation, despite the enemy's will, will progress in all fields and the increasing faith and insight of the Iranian youth and nation will dominate all threats and tricks like what happened last year," he stressed.
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