The Office of the Supreme Leader

US Administration, wicked and unreliable

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei received Chief of Staff of joint forces and high ranking officers of the IRI Army, IRGC, and the Police Sunday.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to armed forces as the guardians of Iran's borders and said a system's real strength lay in faith in God, wisdom, self esteem, and the spirit of resistance.
Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of military stability and timely actions as essential at a time coercion, oppression, ignorance, and lust were ruling the world.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed to cruel and oppressive nature of arrogant powers and said "the real warmongers are those claiming to be the advocates of peace and has no respect for humans."
Ayatollah Khamenei said some governments and heads of states are employing the worst methods, such as fostering terrorist groups, to achieve their goals, yet they put on an air of philanthropy and follow decorum in public.
The IR Leader asserted that in a world of fraud, falsehood, and oppression some powers relying too much on the flimsy foundations of power had lost their self-restraint, adding that the US President's recent statements, implicitly threatening Iranians with application of nuclear arms, is an instance of such conducts.
The Islamic Revolution Leader said the comments are much bizarre and the world should not overlook them because in the 21st century which has become the century of claims in support of human rights and combat against terrorism, the head of a state is threatening a nuclear attack.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the remarks would harm America, adding that the comments mean the US Administration is wicked and unreliable.
"The American authorities in recent years made many efforts to present the Islamic Republic of Iran as unreliable regarding the nuclear issue while it has become now clear that those governments are actually unreliable which hold atomic bombs and impudently threaten others with A-bombs. The American President's comments then prove divulging," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said in such a world, one must keep high alert, adding that more important than military and combat preparedness is spiritual preparedness and the might of a nation to stand against storms.
Ayatollah Khamenei said a system's real strength lies in faith in God, wisdom, self esteem, and the spirit of resistance as well as alert against deceitful comments.
The IR Leader said storms never last for ever, adding the Iranian nation thirty years after the revolution is more powerful and steadfast in all fields, proving to be able to stand against any kind of adversary.
Ayatollah Khamenei then urged the Armed Forces to adopt necessary measures to promote their combat and defensive preparation, adding the forces must always keep alert against any threats by due planning and serious training.
The Islamic Revolution Leader also said the IRI Armed Forces are characterized with inspiring experiences gathered during the Sacred Defense against the western backed invading Iraqi forces (1980-88). Ayatollah Khamenei urged for a boost in spirituality, prudence and deepening of religious beliefs within the forces.
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