The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader calls for double work in all fields

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei delivered a speech at the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) in the city of Mashhad, northeast of Iran, in the first day of the new Iranian year on Sunday.
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to designation of the new year as the year of 'Double Ambition, Double Endeavor' and said the slogans could not solve the problems by their own but they just show the ways for tackling them.
He said the great Iranian nation should take more giant strides and make more efforts and endeavors in the new year to get closer to their big goals.
Ayatollah Khamenei then said science and research are the fields which could help achieve this year's slogan, calling universities and research centers to consider high goals to turn Iran into a scientific pole in the world via double ambition and double work.
The leader said the slogan should be implemented by better use of resources and facilities to bring progress and welfare for the nation.
The IR Leader described the subsidies objective-oriented bill as very important and called on the legislative and executive branches to cooperate with the government in this regard while called on the government to observe the law.
Ayatollah Khamenei also said quality of domestic productions should be improved as much as they could vie with their foreign counterparts.
Paying more attention to the public health, public sport, increasing the knowledge of the people, investment and entrepreneurship were also among other fields that the IR Leader said need double ambition and double work this year.
Ayatollah Khamenei added eradication of poverty, corruption and injustice are also desperately needed to help the country develop.
The Leader called the past Iranian year of 1388 as the year of nation's victory and historical presence in the scenes and added the nation's massive turn out in the 10th presidential elections was an important event which showed the legitimacy of the Islamic system.
Praising the unity of the Iranian nation against the enemies' plot after the June presidential elections, the Leader said the nation was the ultimate winner of the developments.
Referring to his speeches last year, the IR Leader said the Iranian officials, based on his advice, kept under surveillance the new American President's hands which apparently extended towards Iran to find that if an iron claw was covered in the velvet glove that unfortunately they found it.
The Leader said from now on with God's grace the destiny of Iran and the Iranian nation would be victory and progress and that of the enemies would be defeat and backwardness.
Islamic Revolution Leader said that the Iranian nation dealt the strongest and last blows to the enemy both on December 30 and February 11. 
"The strongest and last blows the Iranian nation dealt on the enemy were on December 30 and February 11 respectively; it was a big job on February 11 as the nation’s integrity was revealed on December 30," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Islamic Revolution Leader said all those voting to a special candidate, revised their attitude towards their favorite candidate when realized enemy presence on the scene and its dirty goals.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iranian nation followed a similar motto on February 11.
"The enemies tried much to divide the nation but to no avail, facing public resistance. That’s a big victory for the nation. The June 12-February 11 interval should be taken as chapter of honor and full of lessons for the Iranian nation, which resulted in a new form of wisdom and opened a new chapter in Iranian nation’s insight," Islamic Revolution Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei noted the actions of America run counter to its call for establishing amicable relations with Iran.
"The new American administration and president claimed interest in just and fair relations, they wrote letters and sent messages saying they are willing to normalize relations with the Islamic Republic, but in practice they did the opposite," Islamic Revolution Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei lashed out at the US president for supporting the unrest erupted after last year's June presidential election, saying the enemies had plans to start a civil war in the country.
"They tried very much to divide the people but they failed. This was a victory for the nation," Islamic Revolution Leader said.
"Eight months after the elections, they took the worst possible stance. The American president called those rioters and saboteurs 'civil rights activists'."
"Sometimes the US government appears as a wolf or a fox and looks violent and arrogant, and sometimes they look different," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
Islamic Revolution Leader noted it was normal for Iran to have enemies as it is supported by the nations around the world. Washington, on the other hand, he said, is hated by the nations around the world for decades of aggression and invasion.
"If they were able to do it, the US and Zionist regime would have sent troops to Tehran's streets, but they knew it would hurt them. Thus they spread propaganda and supported the rioters."
"You take the side of rioters and call it a civil movement. Are you not ashamed? You are in no position to speak of human rights.
Did you reduce the killings in Iraq and Afghanistan?" Ayatollah Khamenei said.  
"You cannot talk about peace and friendship and at the same time plot and plan sedition and think that you can hurt the Islamic system," he said.   
Islamic Revolution Leader said Iran was awake and monitoring the behavior of its enemies and will never give up national interests in the face of enemy anger.
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the necessities of the fourth decade of the Islamic Revolution named decade of progress and justice and said," Considering realities of the country and providing  necessary infrastructures, the decade is a suitable time for high steps toward the two basic and historical goals."  
"Iran is among 8 or 10 top countries in some scientific fields through creation of economic, communication and transportation infrastructures."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the young generation of the country is educated, motivated and confident and supports the country towards progress and justice.
Ayatollah Khamenei termed vigilance and braveness as the two necessary elements against the enemies of the Iranian nation and said," If there is no braveness and the officials fear from arrogant movements, the country would be defeated.
"God willingly and over the vigilance, brave, foresight, unity and resistance of Iranian nation, the enemies could not strike to the Islamic system and separate the nation from the system so that it will bring victory and progress as well as the bright future for Iranian nation and the country," the Leader of the Islamic Revolution concluded.
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