The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

'Feb 11 rallies, great divine miracle'

The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, receiving a large group of people in Azarbaijan spoke of the nation's presence in February 11th rallies as a great divine miracle and a strong response to those opposing the Islamic Republic administration.

The meeting was on the occasion of the anniversary of people's uprising in Tabriz in 1978, which was acknowledged by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution adding that the people of Azarbaijan has always taken the initiatives in social movements.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out legitimacy as the secret of the Islamic revolution's permanence and said that's why the marchers this year were more than the previous years.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution continued that unprecedented participation of people in February 11th rallies thwarted enemies' plot to discourage them.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that the free nations of the world are inclined towards the Islamic Republic and its cause, but the leaders of few oppressive countries try to imply that the international community is against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"It is these oppressive governments that the nations of the world have problem with. Naturally, the oppressors who are controlled by the Zionist companies are angry with us because we are the vanguards of justice and if it happens that one day they praised us we should mourn that day," Ayatollah Khamenei added.  

Ayatollah Khamenei said that main reasons behind all prevarications and making excuses over nuclear issue, human rights and democracy are resistance and clear stance of the Iranian nation.

"Americans have sent their agent like a peddler to the Persian Gulf to repeat the lies against Iran but no one believe in such remarks because the interest and problems of the regional nations are not America's concern and it performs completely opposite of the nations' interests and has trampled the region under its illegal interests," Islamic Revolution Leader said.
"We declare clearly that we oppose the imperialism, arrogant system and domination of some few countries over the world and fight against it. We will not allow these few states to trifle with fate of the world," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

"America is the real war-mongering state. They have turned the Persian Gulf into an arms depot. They invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and attack Pakistan and are now spreading lies against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Everybody knows that the Islamic Republic is for peace and brotherhood among all Islamic states in the world," Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Events followed the June election was another issue that the Leader of Islamic Revolution spoke of and continued that the enemies tried to weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran, but not only didn't it produce but also strengthen the administration.

Ayatollah Khamenei anticipated a bright future for the nation and said the nation is determined to reach its lofty goals and will achieve these and become a model for all nations.
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