The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

Islamic states should further cooperate with each other

"Islamic states, especially the Persian Gulf neighbor states, should cooperate with each other more than before," the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said after receiving the visiting Kuwait's Prime Minister on Sunday in Tehran.

Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of the richness of natural resources in the region and said taking the reality into consideration, the regional countries should considerably affect international policies however it would not materialize unless they further cooperate with each other.

"Of course, there are those who are against unity in the region, yet one should act according to its national interests and against the will of enemies," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"It is wisdom that one recognizes his friends and acts together with them, the same is true about Islamic countries and it is not wise if they act in discord," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then pointed to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Iran (1980-88) and then of Kuwait (1990), adding that Saddam's actions were against good-neighborly attitude and that he inflicted heavy damages on the regional countries.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution praised Kuwait's stance and its cooperation regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran and voiced Iran's willingness to expand relations in all aspects.

In return, Kuwait's Prime Minister, Nasser Mohammed al-Ahmed al-Sabah, expressed deep satisfaction over his meeting with the Leader of Islamic Revolution.

Kuwaiti Prime Minister spoke of the two countries long standing relations and said, "The Islamic republic of Iran has proved to be a real brother when Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait and the country was in peril, therefore we think of Iran as our friend and a brother."

He said the Kuwaiti government was determined to expand relations with Iran in all fields and utilize the experiences of Iranian experts.

Nasser Mohammed al-Ahmed al-Sabah said Kuwait's unwavering support towards Iran was evidenced by its negative vote to the UN Assembly's resolution on human rights in Iran.
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