The Office of the Supreme Leader

Elites must keep vigilance in time of discord

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei received the members of the Leadership Assembly of Experts on Tursday and urged them to foster political integrity in the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that the opposing forces have changed their plan after facing an Islamic administration deeply rooted in the foundation of the society. "In order to overcome enemies' plot, one should consider all its aspects," he said.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution ruled out the possibility of a military conflict against the country and said enemies prefer at leasst at the moment to wage a soft war.

"What they do in their soft-warfare is to cause people to lose hope by blackening the reputation of the Islamic administration," Leader of the Revolution stated.

"About 85% of the Iranians eligible for voting went to the polls to show their loyalty to the Islamic administration. They elected their president with high majority which is considered as a strong point for the administration, but the enemies try to undermine this and present it as a source of hesitation and hopelessness," Ayatollah Khamenei said. 

The Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed to another medium of soft warfare which is causing discord within classes of a society.

"Today, signs of national unity are observable everywhere, in People's participation in the Friday prayers of Ramadan, Quds Day rallies, and Eid-e-Fitr prayers," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

"Every one should bow before this unity and do all they can to strengthen it," the Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that part of what causes discord is based on ignorance, therefore more efforts should be put into promoting ethnic and religious unity.

The Leader of Islamic Revolution said dissuading people and elites from looking into the real cause of their enmity is another key weapon in the enemies' soft warfare, adding that the issue does not necessarily mean to overlook the existing faults while the clear plots of enemies too must be taken into consideration.

"Is it probable to ignore the enemies' happiness at what happened after the elections? Could we simply overlook what the British government, with 200 years of colonial background in Iran, or the US do in admiring certain political figures? They say they are with the people, but they should know that people are part of the Islamic administration," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the elites to beware against becoming part of the chain of enemy plots by their words or deeds.

Ayatollah Khamenei termed precise understanding about the Islamic Republic concept as a necessity to safeguard the Islamic administration, adding, "The Islamic Republic is a unit with various aspects. All these aspects should be taken into consideration at the same time."

"The Islamic Republic has two dimensions, one is Islam the other is the public. If any of the two weakens, the whole structure weakens. It is the duty of leader in an Islamic society to guard the whole system," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader said bravery in rising to the situation was also necessary for the elites as bravery in taking due actions, adding that any fear about wealth, life or reputation or any fear about the conditions on the ground would hinder human mind from getting a precise understanding about the situation, adding that in expressing the truths one should not consider others' slanders.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the key to the scientific, political and social accomplishments of the late Imam Khomeini and what absorbed people's hearts to him was his rare bravery. The IR Leader then pointed to efforts of enemies at different junctures to distill people and especially the elites with fear and urged the elites to keep vigilance in time of seditions and make the society aware. "Sometimes one would fan sedition by keeping silence and abandoning the situation," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

The IR Leader underlined that the post-vote riots were fully premeditated adding by the favor of God the plot failed and the enemy's bullet rebounded to itself.

"The Islamic Revolution thirty years on is very strong so that man could witness Hand of God however the favor of God would endure as long as all of us remain sincerely in the service of the revolution and its objectives," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader then touched on the assassination of Mamosta Molla Mohammad Sheikholeslam, member of the Leadership Assembly of Experts from Kordestan province, saying that the loss of the Alim was dearly felt though the perpetrators of the crime should realize that the terror move was futile and would not fulfill the goals of opponents of the system.

"The crime has been masterminded outside Iran's boundaries and by the enemies spy services however the Sunni people of Kordestan would follow the path of the grand martyr more enthusiastically than past," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
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