The Office of the Supreme Leader

Nation proved enemy chicanery never works

The faithful Iranian nation offered prayers to Allah in nationwide ceremonies Sunday to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
The apex of the ceremonies came in Tehran where the faithful citizens convened in Tehran university campus and the adjacent streets to offer congregational Eid ul-Fitr prayers behind the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.
The IR Leader in a speech following the congregational prayers congratulated the Islamic Ummah on the religious holiday and called the month of Ramadan an opportunity to heal any spiritual ailings.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged people to cherish and safeguard their precious spiritual gains in the month of Ramadan. In a similar vein, the IR Leader called the Ramadan's nights of Qadr as a new stage in human life and urged the people, especially the youth to cherish their spiritually-cleansed hearts by attending mosques right at prayers times and by frequent study of the Holy Koran.
Ayatollah Khamenei then deeply appreciated the people for their presence in the Quds day marches and called the great day of Quds day of confrontation of truth and falsehood.
"Enemies of this nation made more efforts than ever to scuttle the Quds day ceremonies however the great nation of Iran in an appreciable drive showed that it would pick the right choice at any junctures to express its views to the world," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the Day of Quds manifested the truth of the nation, adding that the people by designating the direction of revolution and the Establishment proved to the world once more that the western politicians are seeking a mirage in their anti-Iranian trials.
"The people proved that the enemy chicanery never works to the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the Day of Quds was the day of call of Islamic Ummah against the killer cancer of Zionism, adding that the worldwide turnout of people in the marches carried the message that the great drive of the Iranian nation has extended the world over and that the Islamic Ummah would no longer budge to intimidation, even if the bully enjoys the backing of most powerful governments in the world.
Ayatollah Khamenei in another part of his speech said the society was in dire need of affection and fraternity and in the same regard he castigated those media or press which fan an ambience of slander and mistrust in the society.
The IR Leader then touched on the recent broadcasting of certain post-vote riot trials in television, adding that while the confession of defendants before cameras and viewers are legitimately and logically relevant, the remarks of defendants about other individuals are not religiously relevant and subsequently must not be taken as excuse to fan mistrust in the society.
The Islamic Revolution Leader then touched on the ill-wish approach of foreign media towards Iran's affairs and urged domestic media not to relay their malicious claims under the pretext of transparency.
"To level charges of treason against others (based on the foreign media's claims) is not transparency rather it is a case of blackening," Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned.
Ayatollah Khamenei said transparency would be materialized once relevant authorities hand a clear report about their performance to people, adding that no one is authorized to discuss unproven issues or level slanders at others.
Ayatollah Khamenei also noted that the sin of slandering the Establishment was deadlier than slandering an individual.
In another part of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei marked the upcoming Sacred Defense Week and said that the eight year defense (1980-88) against the western-backed, invading Iraqi army paved the way for the emergence of national confidence in Iran.
"The prideful presence of nation in different fields of modern science and technology is largely inspired by those years of honor," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei then appreciated the Armed Forces and said that those who were once vowing to conquer Tehran at a rapid clip are now consigned to history while the Iranian nation has increasingly grown powerful and the Establishment has extended roots.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Three Branches of Government to exercise unanimity in their relations, adding that the dear Iran in the fourth decade of revolution which is designated as decade of progress and justice was in dire need of a leap forward.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged the elites as well as relevant bodies to maintain the country's pace of scientific progress.
Ayatollah Khamenei then urged the people and authorities to mind of the motto of the current Iranian year, namely revising the social pattern of consumption, adding that the goal would take several years to complete however it must remain a major priority.
He regretted that the country has lost part of the time in accomplishing the motto due to a political fuss ensuing the presidential vote.
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