The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader:

Elites face a big test

In a meeting with the officials of the Islamic system and a group of people on Monday, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei regarded the Be'tha of Islam's Noblest Messenger of Allah Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) as an important section in the history of mankind.
"Today, the main need of the Islamic society is acting according to the message of Be'tha and setting wisdom as a standard, the dominance of ethical virtues and maintaining legal discipline in the society, in which the duty of the elites is very important," the Leader stressed.
Felicitating the Islamic Umma and Iranian nation on the great feast of Mab'ath, Ayatollah Khamenei considered the cultivation of wisdom and underlining rationalism and meditation as the most important part of the Be'tha message.
Referring to ethical cultivation as the second part of the Be'tha message, the IR Leader said: "The spread of ethical virtues in society is like pleasant air that paves the way for a healthy life and prevents the human being from greed, ignorance, personal hatred and suspicion against others and it is because of this reason that in Islam, purification and ethical cultivation precedes education."
Considering legal discipline as the third part of the Be'tha message and referring to Islam's Prophet being pioneer in acting according to Islam's decrees and orders, Ayatollah Khamenei added: "All of these are an index and a standard for the Islamic society, and the field of life is a scene for testing human beings."
The IR Leader regarded the current dignity of the Iranian nation as the result of prosperity and success in the difficult tests of the past 30 years, stressing: "The Almighty God has rewarded the Iranian people with very great achievements for these successes, and today as well, every one of people is moving and making effort toward Islam's exalted goals, and the result of that is the feeling of dignity and identity by the Iranian people."
"This issue that the world's arrogant powers has put confronting the Islamic Republic of Iran as their motto and regard the Islamic system as an obstacle to reaching their inauspicious goals especially in the Middle East region, shows the greatness of Iran's people, system and government," he added.
The IR Leader considered these achievements as the result of the Iranian people's movement in the arena of the orders of religion, reminding the role of the elites and the officials as examples for people.
"The Iranian people showed in the past 30 years that they are a loyal and forgiving nation and in the recent issues and incidents after the presidential elections too, this characteristic of the Iranian people appeared once again," said Ayatollah Khamenei.
"Among the Iranian people, there are different tastes in the arena of social life, but where people feel that there is the issue of enmity with the system and a hand is managing a movement to harm it, they keep distant from that movement even if it uses the same motto that people believe in," the Leader added.
He regarded the recent incidents as another important experience and lesson for the Iranian people beside the experiences of previous years, stressing: "These incidents bore this experience and lesson that even when a great move is being conducted in complete peace and stability, the enemies' plot and conspiracy should not be ignored."
"While everybody admitted that the recent elections with 40-million-people turn-out was a unique glory since the beginning of the Revolution and showed the system's power in bringing people to the scene after the passage of 30 years, however, everybody noticed that in such conditions too, the enemies' ambush and planning to harm the nation should not be ignored," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Referring to the claim made by the enemies of the Iranian people that they did not interfere in the country's internal affairs, the IR Leader added: "While the enemies' interference especially the role of their media is completely apparent, this claim shows their shamelessness."
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to his warning against intelligence and propaganda role of arrogant media to block independence of nations and said, "The enemies of the Iranian people, via their media, are giving instructions to the troublemakers to cause disorder, destruction and violence, while at the same insisting they are not interfering in Iranian internal affairs."
The IR Leader urged all to distinguish between rioters and the people and said the arrogant media name the rioters as people to support them while the people are those who express their hate for the rioters' moves.
Pointing to long-term goals of the Iranian nation, the IR Leader said salvation in this world and the Hereafter would be achieved through peace and security. "Depriving the people from security and peace is a great sin."
"Anyone, no matter their rank or title, will be detested by the people if they lead our society towards insecurity," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
"Our elites should be vigilant. Any word or action which helps the enemies will be contrary to the interests of our people," the IR Leader said.
The IR Leader added that all should take care with their words and statements.
"The elites should be vigilant because they involve in a great test and not being successful in this test would lead to collapse," Atollah Khamenei said, adding the sole way for getting rid of such fate is following wisdom.
"Wisdom is not political manipulation because it is against wisdom and those who term political manipulation as wisdom and rationality are wrong," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the right way of rationality would pave the way for worshiping God and we should judge weather our words would satisfy God or some individuals. So we should no cheat ourselves.
The IR Leader urged people to think deeply over the Mab'ath's message and noted that Mab'ath was a turning point for humanity because the movement which was formed during the 10-year rule of the Noblest Messenger of Allah Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) made an development in the human history which was not comparable with any move.
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