The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

western countries will have to pay for the consequences of interfering in Iran's internal affairs

On the auspicious occasion of Imam Ali's (a.s.) birth anniversary, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with thousands of people from different parts of the country. Speaking at the gathering, he said that western countries will have to pay for the consequences of interfering in Iran's internal affairs.

His Eminence referred to the role of Islam and the Islamic Revolution in the unity of the Iranian nation and stressed the need for preserving unity in the country. He further added: "The June 12 election, with its unprecedented voter turnout of 85 percent, showed that after the passage of 30 years the Islamic Revolution is capable of attracting an enormous number of people to the ballot boxes. That was why the enemies started to foment discord among the people, and they were partially successful. But the nation must foil their plots."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution touched on the electoral laws of the Islamic Republic and said that according to these laws "the campaigning of the presidential candidates is a competition within the family". He added that the competition may sometimes result in anger, but that it does not concern foreigners.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the enemies seek to create a rift by their interference in Iran's internal affairs. "Some of the leaders of western countries explicitly interfered in the internal affairs of the Iranian nation which had nothing to do with them. And then they said they were not interfering in Iran's affairs despite the fact that they persuaded people to engage in vandalism and labeled the Iranian people as rioters."

He noted that rioters are the limited number of people who use the budget approved by some western countries, further adding: "It is natural for the people whose candidates did not win the election to feel sad and depressed. And this does not mean vandalism because there is a majority and a minority in the country based on the result of the election. And there are rules. Therefore, labeling the Iranian nation as rioters in American and European media, which are dominated by the Zionists, is an insult to the nation."

The Supreme Leader strongly warned the heads of some western governments and stressed: "These governments must watch their hostile statements and behavior because the Iranian nation will react. We will assess the interventionist statements and behavior of these governments, which will definitely have a negative impact on the Islamic Republic's relations with them in the future."

His Eminence described the Iranian nation as powerful and said that the Islamic Republic is a firmly established government. "Even if the officials of the Islamic Republic have some disagreements, they are unified against the enemy and unanimous in preserving the independence of the country. The enemy must know that it will not succeed in creating a schism in the Iranian nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the Iranian nation will form a unified front despite their differing tendencies when it comes to dealing with the enemies.

His Eminence touched on the Iranian nation's 30-year experience with the enmity and plots of foreigners and added that their support for particular movements or individuals inside Iran will not attract them towards foreigners. "Such a thing will never happen because your dishonesty has been revealed to them. They know that your goal is to create distrust among the people and the elites and to continue your hostility against the Islamic Republic."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that annihilation of the Islamic Republic is an impossible dream cherished by some arrogant powers. "The support of western governments for certain individuals or their disapproval of certain other individuals is all deception. That is because they believe anybody who is committed to the Islamic Republic, the Constitution, and the ideals of the Iranian nation is an enemy," he noted.

He further added: "Thirty years of the Islamic Republic's resistance and the Iranian nation's crushing response to the bullying and hostile leaders of western countries has not yet awakened some western countries, and they are still tempted to take advantage of this country and nation. But they are making a mistake, and they will pay for the consequences of this mistake."

The Supreme Leader referred to the followers of the hostile propaganda machines and added: "These followers must know that the enemies and the ferocious wolves will use them only to further their interests, and then they will dispose of them like a tissue."

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the audience of the importance of preserving vigilance and distinguishing enemies from friends, further reiterating: "The few followers who have been deceived send out false signals, which have misguided even the enemies. But the people, elites, and all political parties must take care not to confuse friends with enemies and to treat enemies and friends differently."

He stressed the need for distinguishing rioters from other people and added: "According to its duties, the Islamic Republic will crack down on the individuals who disturb public life and peace and who threaten the youth. But enemies must never be confused with friends, and friends must not be considered enemies because of a single mistake."

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: "Any seditious plot will be foiled by a nation that is vigilant. And by Allah's favor, the recent seditious acts on which the enemy had pinned its hopes are over now."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the essence of things is what remains after the dust settles. "The noble and timeless reality is the impressive election with the presence of almost 40 million voters who expressed their trust in the Islamic Republic after the passage of 30 years."

Elsewhere in his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the high position of Imam Ali (a.s.) and said that his lifestyle contains many messages for the prosperity and perfection of the Islamic Ummah. "One of the lessons that Imam Ali's lifestyle holds for us is his spirit to administer justice and preserve unity in the Islamic society. He made many selfless efforts and tolerated many hardships in this process. In some cases, he even gave up his rights for the sake of the interests of Islam," he stated.

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