The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader:

All should abide by the Law

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with Majlis representatives on Wednesday underlined for harmony between laws and the principles of the Islamic Revolution and said that cultural and educational influences should be considered in approving laws.

The IR Leader said that this branch of government (parliament) manifests as cloth for the law and then the law is implemented throughout the country. He highlighted the harmony between laws and the principles of the Islamic Revolution from one side and taking into consideration urgent and long-term needs of the people from the other side. If these elements considered, the law would be sufficient.
Ayatollah Khamenei added that if the law lacks the harmony with the principles of the Islamic Revolution it would lose its credibility and if it does not accord with the people's needs, so it would not accepted by the people.
The IR Leader highlighted the principles of the Islamic Revolution and said the late Imam Khomeini was a great and aware person and his guidelines and last will are the principles of the Islamic Revolution. Approval of the laws and statements should be in this direction.

Ayatollah Khamenei advised the Majlis representatives to take scientific, safe, moral, reasonable and free from stubbornness statements.

The IR Leader urged MPs to cooperate with the government and deal with the government in a friendly and nice manner because the executive affairs are difficult and on this rocky and exhausting path, the government should be helped.

The IR Leader added that this issue does not mean ignoring the faults but dealing with the government should be with kindness.
Pointing to some disturbance and clashes during the some parliaments in the past, Ayatollah Khamenei said the people do not favor the disturbance and its effects is completely negative because the people seek close cooperate between all officials of the country.

He also urged the MPs to consider interest of their region in framework of the interests of the whole country.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for law-abiding approach in the country adding, "In the recent incidents concerning the elections, I have been insisting on the implementation of the law and I will be insisting. Neither the system, nor the people will back down under force."

He underlined that the opposite approach against the law-abiding approach is dictatorship and said if the law does not rule the country, dictatorship would be spread.

The IR Leader underlined that the law should be the last word in all affairs of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei rejected lawlessness and said that lawlessness will bring chaos to the country and advised all people to follow the law.

The IR Leader noted the elites should spread the culture of abiding to the law in the country. If the elites do not consider the law we can not expect the people observe it.

Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the stance of Majlis and the letter of the MPs over recent developments and said while the enemies are seeking an opportunity to reach their goal, unity of stances is a very good and important move.

The IR Leader lauded the expert level of the eighth parliament and advised the MPs to enjoy the spiritual opportunities and moral guidelines and said that the months of Rajab, Sha'ban and Ramadan are the best opportunities for appealing to God through strengthening faith and righteousness.
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