The Office of the Supreme Leader

Imam Khomeini was symbol of Islam

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Monday morning in a meeting with members of the committee of holding commemoration ceremonies for the 20th demise anniversary of Imam Khomeini said that the late Imam was symbol of Islam and key to independence, dignity and unity of Iran, adding that the precious heritage of Imam must be preserved by all means and his memory must be kept alive as a divine blessing.

The IR Leader said that it was a sign of greatness of Imam Khomeini's personality that despite the passage of many years from his demise, new dimensions of his personality are being understood now.

"The great architect of the Islamic Revolution was so competent that God manifested His blessing and will through him and Imam became the most important means to materialize the great miracle of God which was the Islamic Revolution," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Imam was the bright center of unity of nation so that even his opponents respected him in mind and appreciated his greatness.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Imam turned into symbol of Islam through reliance on Islam, adding even after twenty years from the demise of Imam, the Iranian nation and the Muslim world continue to consider him as symbol of Islam.

The IR Leader said the deep and heartfelt affection of the Iranian nation to Imam has helped his thoughts to dominate other thoughts in society, adding that it was a notable reality that all political inclinations even those which do not believe in some of Imam's thoughts introduce themselves as supporters of Imam because they know that for the Iranian people on whose votes the Islamic system is based, it is a value to support Imam.

Ayatollah Khamenei then said that the nations and world intellectuals support Imam Khomeini because the principles of his thoughts had been taken from true Islam, adding that Imam Khomeini without any reservations stated the principles of true Islam in a prideful manner.

The IR Leader considered Imam Khomeini as true symbol of independence and national unity, adding that God has created and trained his pious servant in a way that without any shame he stood against the aggression of political bullies of the world and against the flood of their accusations that the principles are fundamentalist, he defended the true Islam in a prideful manner and for the same reason he turned into the symbol of dignity of the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the unity of Iranian people of different religious, ethnic or political groups showed the capacity of Imam Khomeini to create unity in the country. He then warned that some are trying to destroy the blessed unity.

Pointing to Zahedan bombing, Ayatollah Khamenei said that following the incident the enemies tried to disturb the situation. He urged people to be vigilant and do not allow the dreams of enemies of independence and progress of the country to be fulfilled. Ayatollah Khamenei added however that the people are vigilant and would take decision through their special understanding.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged all Iranian people of different religious, ethnic or political groups to preserve and consolidate their national unity as the precious heritage of Imam Khomeini.
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