The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

Insulting Shii, Sunni sanctities is red line

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Tuesday in the eighth and final day of his visit to Kordestan Province made presence in the magnificent gathering of brave and affectionate people of Saqqez who were waiting for him from one week ago.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the continued vigilance of the province's people and said that the loyalty of Kord people to Islam and Islamic System was a beautiful truth which became clearer for the friends and enemies of Islamic Republic during the visit.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the faithful and brave people of Saqqez have experiencing many prideful events, adding that the bright epic of the brave youths of the city in the difficult stages of Kheibar and Badr military operations would never be forgotten.

Ayatollah Khamenei said creation of sectarian and religious discord and creation of disagreement between the IRI and other Islamic countries were the two-dimension plot of the enemies of Islam, adding that the plot inside the country was defeated by the vigilance of people including the Kord people; "In the world of Islam too, though the plot bore results among some stooge governments, the nations, intellectuals and academics consider Iran as pride of Islamic Ummah. The reality has made the global bully powers surprised and frustrated," he added.

The Islamic Revolution Leader pointed to his numerous meetings with different strata of people in Kordestan and said that the remarks of elites, students and nomad heads showed the unity of Iranian people and demonstrated their precious dignity.

"The friends and enemies of revolution after witnessing the pure and enthusiastic feelings of dignified people of Kordestan in television further understood the depth of loyalty and insight of people in the area," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The IR Leader said the actions of a few grouplets and alien's elements in Kordestan are separate from the attitude of the faithful and loyal people of the province, adding that all people of Iran must note that under the auspices of the awareness and sacrifice of the brave Kord youths and the help of other Iranian youths, the province enjoys full security.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the great and determining role of Muslim peshmergas in restoring security in the province and standing against the enemies, adding that the innocent, valiant combatants were not ready to relinquish defense of Islam and Iran even at the price of their martyrdom or persecution of their families by the mercenaries of the aliens. "I offer my sincerest greetings to the forerunners of sacrifice," the IR Leader added.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said the Kordestan people must keep their awareness and vigilance, adding, "Our friends on the other side of the western border have informed us that Americans are busy in a systematized plot of bringing up terrorists by gathering information, spending money and providing arms. They have wicked thoughts in their minds. The Iranian Kords and other people must remain vigilant."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Americans are mainly seeking to gain dominance over the Kord people, adding the Kord people even out of Iran are considering themselves as Iranians and feel pride in the issue. "However a few people may be deceived by the American promises and money after ignoring the status and position of Kords; they must note that in the long term, they will only gain the disgust of Kord people," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The IR Leader then underlined the necessity of vigilance against Shii-Sunni discord plot, adding that insulting the sanctities of Shia or Sunni is a red line for the system. "Shii and Sunni people are not allowed to ignore the red line and become the best tool for enemy, either unknowingly or through prejudice," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then said that the Kordish language and culture as well as scientific, art and sports talents of the area were a national wealth. He expressed hope the future of Kordestan would be more advanced than the present time like other areas of the Islamic Iran.
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