The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

Youths must show their awareness in elections

On the seventh day of his visit to Kurdistan Province, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei regarded unity, presence and awareness as guarantees for development, strength and glory of the Iranian nation.

Addressing a very enthusiastic gathering of the faithful, affectionate and brave people of Bijar, the IR Leader said that the demise of the pious jurist and grand religious authority, Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Bahjat is really a deep mourning.
The IR Leader pointed to national unity as a factor behind the victory of the Islamic Revolution and said that unity of people and their move behind the late Imam Khomeini created a new trend. "We can see clear instructive effects of the trend in Palestine, Lebanon and other countries. This new trend has spread to north of Africa and east of Asia," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the unity of different Iranian peoples and political parties in defending the hoisted flag of Islam in Iran is a necessity which would guarantee a bright future for the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei again advised the Shii and Sunni people of Kordestan to preserve their Islamic unity.

The IR Leader named the people's presence in the scene as a second guarantee for development, strength and glory of the Iranian nation. He advised the nation to show a massive presence in the upcoming elections and keep their effective presence in economic and other arenas.

Ayatollah Khamenei termed awareness as a necessary factor for today and tomorrow of the country and said that if the nation had not stood firmly in the path of Imam Khomeini, unstable elements which had held power in the start of the revoluton and were intimidated by America and had bowed to it might have continued their presence atop the Iranian nation's affairs while there was no more place for glory, progress and strength of the Iranian nation.

The IR Leader urged the country's youths to demonstrate their awareness in elections as they have done in other social fields so that the door would remain closed to anyone who might mar the face of nation by surrender to enemies.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that it would be a national ordeal if individuals take power in different political and economic domains who perceive they can fetch some opportunity for Iran through flattery of arrogant Western governments instead of pursuing the principles and values set by Imam Khomeini and the Revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei then said that history would attest to the enthusiasm and valiance of the people of Bijar by taking up their presence in different junctures of the past thirty years, including the Scared Defense.

The IR Leader noted that Shii people as well as the Sunni people who hold affection for The Household have successfully passed through historical tests.

Ayatollah Khamenei said against the policies of the defunct regime of Pahlavi in violating ethnic rights, at present under the auspices of Islamc and Revolution, every Iranian in every point of the great and dear country of Iran enjoys an independent personality. "A collection of these firm personalities have formed a great nation which has turned into a model for other nations through its exemplary steadfastness," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Imam Khomeini's order that the first development group must be sent to Kordestan shows how the system considers the remote areas which were kept backward during the Pahlavi regime.

Though the opponents of the nation and enemies of the Kord people have sometimes disrupted the stream of services offered to Kordish areas by the Islamic system however many projects have already been carried out here and the serving government too has adopted good decision to resolve many of the shortfalls, the IR Leader added.
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