The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei :

Following America's path would bring no progress

Addressing an enthusiastic gathering of the aware and wise university students of the Kurdistan province, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei elaborated on the true pattern of development and called on thinkers, elites and university students to study, search and draw a national and native pattern for development of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that in the fourth decade of the Revolution, development and justice should be turned into a national discourse upon which a national pattern would be implemented. So we could take big steps at the end of this decade.

The IR Leader noted that the true meaning of development is different from what is called progress in the west and said that they may have some common points which should be considered.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that dividing the countries into advanced, progressive and non-developed ones is a western trick adding that in this pattern the real meaning of development has accompanied with the western values. In this pattern an advanced country is merely a western country but we completely reject this conception.

The IR Leader said that historical, political, human, cultural and geographical conditions determine the development pattern of every country adding that regarding many differences in the conditions of the countries, it is impossible to offer a single pattern for all countries.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that regarding our special culture and history, we can not follow the patterns of America, western Europe or northern America but it is necessary to draw a native pattern. The main duty in this regard is upon thinkers and university students.

Pointing to some advantages of the western development pattern, the IR Leader underlined that we follow our native pattern but we should not ignore some advantages of the western pattern including innovation, risk taking, discipline and braveness for action.

Touching on link between development and justice, Ayatollah Khamenei said that in western patterns, growth of gross national income (GNI) is among important criteria but if it increases in a country under injustice, the real development has not created.      
The IR Leader noted that according to the Islamic view, human has two material and spiritual dimensions. The two dimensions are needed for offering the true development pattern, so the pattern which is based on the material view is completely different form the true development pattern.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the students to avoid dependence on the political powers as the first condition for development and preserving the true development pattern.

The IR Leader rejected the way of some countries which have made some progress but follow approach of big power and said that following America and others is not sign of development and has no value because over the issue of national development, the independence of the country is the main priority.

Ayatollah Khamenei rejected the meaning of globalization as turning into some tolls in hand of western capitalism and added that the countries should keep their independence in this regard.

The IR Leader termed producing science as another prerequisite for the true development pattern and said that we should make balance between scientific exports and imports like economic issues.

 Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the scientific achievements within three past decades and expressed his pleasure over the issue of producing science at universities.

The IR Leader urged for speeding up the scientific movement in all fields as well as theorization in different fields including in the human sciences so that we could add to the human knowledge.    

Ayatollah Khamenei advised the university students to make efforts to confront with colonial power centers as another prerequisite for development and said that without touching on new scientific fields, no progress would be achieved.

The IR Leader also slammed silence of the global arrogance and international organizations such as the United Nations on the crimes and atrocities of the Zionist regime during the 22-day war in Gaza, IRI’s legitimate rights to make use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and mass killing of innocent civilians by the American troops in some neighboring states.

"World nations should learn lessons from the Iranian nation which strongly condemned the crimes and atrocities of the American and Zionists in international for a but unfortunately some people in the country feel shame over the nation's stances like some people who felt shame for saying prayers in public during the Pahlavi era," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

"IRI’s explicit stand on global developments is a source of pride for this generation," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also advised the university students to do their utmost to bring more scientific success and development for the country.

The IR Leader reiterated that firm and clear stances of the Iranian nation over the global developments should be put forward with proud to make the world people become more aware of the glory of the nation and the Islamic system.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the university students of the Kurdistan province like other regions of the country endeavor for progress of the country.

"I am sure that the university students of the region would bring a bright and more progressive future to the country,"
the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also ordered the Health and Science Ministers to pursue the suggestions of the Kordestan province's professors and the university students.

The IR Leader urged for more connection and meeting between officials and the university students to find more ways for development of the country through such meetings.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the enemy did his utmost efforts to make the Kords separate from other races but the enthusiastic gathering of Kord people in Sannandaj and Marivan proved that all races of the country are united and follow the Islamic and national causes of the country.
Ayatollah Khamenei termed variety of races as an opportunity for the country and said the Iranian races including Fars, Turk, Lor, Balouch, Arab and Turkmen can play their role for development of the country and become source of blesses for the country.
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