On the fifth day of his visit to Kurdistan province, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei regarded national dignity as a very effective factor in the brilliant future of the Iranian people.
Addressing a very enthusiastic gathering of the faithful, affectionate and brave people of Marivan, the IR Leader stressed: "The glorious future belongs to the youths and it has to be be fulfilled by relying on Islamic, national and indigenous recipes and avoiding alien recipes."
In this gathering that was organized in Marivan's Zagros stadium, Ayatollah Khamenei regarded fighting the aliens that seek the nation's humiliation and abjection as a prerequisite for national dignity and said: "The enemies of this great land see no benefit for themselves in the progress and glory of Islamic Iran; therefore, any dependence to alien-written recipes is against national interests and would destroy the country's independence, dignity and prosperity."
The IR Leader regarded the inability of the Western capitalism in confronting economic crises as a clear reason for the weakness of management methods in Western countries, adding: "The officials, the people and especially the youth and thinkers should contemplate on this reality."
He considered the pure Islam, namely the Islam of Qoran, Sunna and Ahl-ul-Bait as the base and original recipe for the movement and progress of the nation and system, stressing: "We do not call anyone to the petrified and narrow-minded Islam, but the Islam that we regard as treatment for pains and guarantee for the country's progress and glory is an Islam that calls the human being to thinking and contemplation and is able to create a historical and magnificent movement like the Islamic Revolution."
Ayatollah Khamenei criticized those who in different times including in election periods, repeat the Westerners' remarks to attract people's attention, adding: "Such remarks are not considered as privilege. They are opposition to the Islamic-Iranian thought and identity."
In another part of his speech, he termed Kordestan and Marivan as a land full of glory, braveness and natural beauty, and full of the feeling of affection and loyalty, saying: "I regard this area as one of the gifts and blessings that God has granted to the country and the system."
Referring to his visit to Marivan and surrounding area in 1980 at the peak of Baathist Saddam's attack on Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "The enemies of this nation's progress relying on hireling and dependent agents wanted to create a deep valley of suspicion between the people of this very important and sensitive area and the people of other parts of the country, but the faithful, zealous and loyal Kords foiled this conspiracy very well. The young generation of the country and the area should become very well familiar with these instructive realities."
Reminding Saddam's war crimes including his chemical attacks, the IR Leader regarded the bitter incidents of eight years of sacred defense in western areas including Kordestan as a big laboratory for proving the deception and insincerity of Saddam's supporters and the claimants of human rights.
"The ups and downs of thirty years of the Iranian people's perseverance and victory should be explained as instructive lessons for the youths, so that the weight and real nature of today's propaganda of the arrogance become clearer for them," he added.
Ayatollah Khamenei considered the admittance by the world's politicians and policy-makers to the regional and global position of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a sign for the stability and power of the country.
"The Islamic system, by God's help, is in a position that it can focus on long-period projects of progress and prosperity," he stressed.
The IR Leader termed the 20-year prospect document as the guide, director and real agenda for the officials of different forces and organizations and said: "In order to achieve the goals of this very credible and important document, both the officials and people bear great responsibilities, and we should be cautious that the enemies of the country's progress do not distract the minds to marginal issues."
Ayatollah Khamenei then noted that the province was in need of industrial and agricultural investment, especially in light of the hazards of joblessness in the area which among others include a tendency among the youths for smuggling induced by poor job opportunities.
Ayatollah Khamenei then noted that security was a prerequisite for investment and wealth production, adding that enemies would try to hinder any investment in the area through creation of insecurity however the powerful force of Islamic Republic with the help of valiant and loyal youths of the province will take a tough line on any spawners of insecurity.
The IR Leader then noted that the Kordestan visit was a bid to attract public attention to the talented, green and scenic area and expand affective ties among different Iranian ethnicities. He noted that Kord, Fars, Tork, Lor, and Baluch form a unified body called the great Iranian nation.
Ayatollah Khamenei concluded his remarks by noting that the nation and system would be viable once the nation and authorities attend to Islamic Revolution's aspirations non-stop.
Addressing a very enthusiastic gathering of the faithful, affectionate and brave people of Marivan, the IR Leader stressed: "The glorious future belongs to the youths and it has to be be fulfilled by relying on Islamic, national and indigenous recipes and avoiding alien recipes."
In this gathering that was organized in Marivan's Zagros stadium, Ayatollah Khamenei regarded fighting the aliens that seek the nation's humiliation and abjection as a prerequisite for national dignity and said: "The enemies of this great land see no benefit for themselves in the progress and glory of Islamic Iran; therefore, any dependence to alien-written recipes is against national interests and would destroy the country's independence, dignity and prosperity."
The IR Leader regarded the inability of the Western capitalism in confronting economic crises as a clear reason for the weakness of management methods in Western countries, adding: "The officials, the people and especially the youth and thinkers should contemplate on this reality."
He considered the pure Islam, namely the Islam of Qoran, Sunna and Ahl-ul-Bait as the base and original recipe for the movement and progress of the nation and system, stressing: "We do not call anyone to the petrified and narrow-minded Islam, but the Islam that we regard as treatment for pains and guarantee for the country's progress and glory is an Islam that calls the human being to thinking and contemplation and is able to create a historical and magnificent movement like the Islamic Revolution."
Ayatollah Khamenei criticized those who in different times including in election periods, repeat the Westerners' remarks to attract people's attention, adding: "Such remarks are not considered as privilege. They are opposition to the Islamic-Iranian thought and identity."
In another part of his speech, he termed Kordestan and Marivan as a land full of glory, braveness and natural beauty, and full of the feeling of affection and loyalty, saying: "I regard this area as one of the gifts and blessings that God has granted to the country and the system."
Referring to his visit to Marivan and surrounding area in 1980 at the peak of Baathist Saddam's attack on Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "The enemies of this nation's progress relying on hireling and dependent agents wanted to create a deep valley of suspicion between the people of this very important and sensitive area and the people of other parts of the country, but the faithful, zealous and loyal Kords foiled this conspiracy very well. The young generation of the country and the area should become very well familiar with these instructive realities."
Reminding Saddam's war crimes including his chemical attacks, the IR Leader regarded the bitter incidents of eight years of sacred defense in western areas including Kordestan as a big laboratory for proving the deception and insincerity of Saddam's supporters and the claimants of human rights.
"The ups and downs of thirty years of the Iranian people's perseverance and victory should be explained as instructive lessons for the youths, so that the weight and real nature of today's propaganda of the arrogance become clearer for them," he added.
Ayatollah Khamenei considered the admittance by the world's politicians and policy-makers to the regional and global position of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a sign for the stability and power of the country.
"The Islamic system, by God's help, is in a position that it can focus on long-period projects of progress and prosperity," he stressed.
The IR Leader termed the 20-year prospect document as the guide, director and real agenda for the officials of different forces and organizations and said: "In order to achieve the goals of this very credible and important document, both the officials and people bear great responsibilities, and we should be cautious that the enemies of the country's progress do not distract the minds to marginal issues."
Ayatollah Khamenei then noted that the province was in need of industrial and agricultural investment, especially in light of the hazards of joblessness in the area which among others include a tendency among the youths for smuggling induced by poor job opportunities.
Ayatollah Khamenei then noted that security was a prerequisite for investment and wealth production, adding that enemies would try to hinder any investment in the area through creation of insecurity however the powerful force of Islamic Republic with the help of valiant and loyal youths of the province will take a tough line on any spawners of insecurity.
The IR Leader then noted that the Kordestan visit was a bid to attract public attention to the talented, green and scenic area and expand affective ties among different Iranian ethnicities. He noted that Kord, Fars, Tork, Lor, and Baluch form a unified body called the great Iranian nation.
Ayatollah Khamenei concluded his remarks by noting that the nation and system would be viable once the nation and authorities attend to Islamic Revolution's aspirations non-stop.