The Office of the Supreme Leader

Epic of nomad border guard remains in memory

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei on a visit to Kordestan province told an enthusiastic gathering of personalities of Iranian nomads from three major nomad provinces in the country that the nomads are honorable and reliable soldiers of Islam and the Revolution and faithful guards for the boundaries of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei said by favor of God, a bright future is guaranteed for the great Iranian nation by vigilance of people and authorities and their collective efforts.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the throng of nomad personalities bears a significant statement: the Iranian nation has achieved all its honors through unity and vigilant movement, at the same time it will expand those honors through the same track.

The IR Leader said the nomads of the Kordish area have a notable share in the accomplishing process of the Islamic System. He said the late founder Imam Khomeini was shrewd in calling the nomads as a revolutionary deposit, adding that the nomads have added credit to the claim by their bright presence in different junctures of the past thirty years.

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the nomads of the area for their aware response to an early revolutionary conspiracy by the aliens and promised that the Iranian nation would never forget the epic of brave nomad border guard.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said a new era of human thought has been ushered in by the victory of the Islamic Revolution, adding that Islam stands remedy for any pains and sufferings which tyrants have historically inflicted on human being.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted however that the current time bullies are more dangerous than pharaohs as they have put up a humanitarian face by advanced gear of deceit.

The IR Leader said a tremendous opportunity has reposed for the Iranian nation in the confrontation of IRI System with the complicated force of global oppression, adding that the children of the land are enamored with the fact that God has planted the tree of Islamic Revolution within the territory and has had the flag of justice, rationality and progress hoisted by the nation.

The IR Leader then considered security as bed of progress in the area, adding that the powerful nomads must also train their descendants on picking up their responsibility in safeguarding the land.

Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned that the enemy, faltering in pain and failure, was lurking unmarked for a chance of compensation, adding that victories would continue provided that the nation keeps vigilance and avoids schism over petty issues.

Ayatollah Khamenei then appreciated Iraqi Kords for helping the Iranian combatants during the Sacred Defense period (1980-88) when the executed dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Iran on a western note of support.

"A mutual trust and affinity among the Kordish brethren towards Iran is tangible also on the other side of the border however the enemy has not rested its conspiracy," Ayatollah Khamenei warned, urging the Kordish people to enhance their preparedness.
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