The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader:

Elites should be vigilant against aliens' plots

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with elites of Kordestan province on Thursday said that the suggestions of the province's elites should be considered in decision-making approaches of the country.
Pointing to his familiarity with some poets and elites of the province, Ayatollah Khamenei said," I have become familiar with some Kord figures through their works and translations and understood the cultural personality of the Kord people before. The today meeting cleared the deep personality of them more than before." 
The IR Leader highlighted braveness of the people of the Kordestan province and said that these people enjoy more high characteristics like kindness, bright thought, beautiful nature and outstanding literature.

The IR Leader urged the country's officials to appreciate cultural and spiritual values of the Kordestan people and all parts of the country. 

Ayatollah Khamenei termed variety of races as an opportunity for the country and said the Islamic Republic system definitely adopts no prejudiced and discriminative approach towards all parts of the country and it consider Islam and being Iranian in its approaches towards different regions. So the elites should explicate this basic policy.

The IR Leader slammed enemies' plots to sow discord in the province and militarize the province in the first years of the Revolution and said the Islamic Republic could overcome all enmities by relying on the people. He also urged all people especially the elites to be vigilant against continuous plots of aliens.

Ayatollah Khamenei urge for more efforts to raise the position of the Kordestan province to an appropriate level in the country.

The IR Leader elaborated on enmity of the arrogant powers against the Iranian nation and said," The independent Islamic system and not affecting by these powers' policies have aroused the enmity of these powers and the Islamic system has to defend itself against these hostilities."  

"If we were not independent and followed their policies, they would quit their hostilities so that like Pahlavi regime we could not honor our national progress and the Iranian culture and civilization," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Pointing to memories of some former officials of the Pahlavi regime about their dependence on the aliens, the IR Leader said that these bitter realities make every Iranian feel shame.    

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that this inferiority was ended by the victory of the Islamic Revolution adding," The Islamic system has offered a new, bright and valuable truth which should be considered in current equations completely."    

Ayatollah Khamenei urge for allocating budget and facilities for training elites of the country and said that this is among duty of the governmental bodies which should follow the goal seriously.
The IR Leader noted that the united and progressive Iran has made the world cruel powers worried but they could not stop the motion of the Iranian nation and they will not do so since then.
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