The Office of the Supreme Leader

Religious scholars must keep abreast of time

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with religious scholars in Kordestan province Wednesday said the current era was distinct form other eras owing to two major phenomena of complicated methods of intellectual exchanges and the Islamic government in Iran. He urged the scholars to utilize the two in fulfilling their heavy responsibilities of promotion of justice and fight against oppression and corruption.

In the meeting which was held in Sanandaj grand mosque, Ayatollah Khamenei called religious scholars as forerunners of reforms and progress of the nation, adding that the duties of the scholars besides promotion of the statute was also to stand against those who have imposed themselves on the nations as idols.

Elaborating on the special characteristics of the present time, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the emergence of new methods and means of exchange of ideas and thoughts, adding that the arrogance besides rattling saber of intimidation is using all modern communication and cultural facilities at hand to impose its false thoughts on the nations. Ayatollah Khamenei noted that against the complicated onslaught, the scholars must keep up to date with time.

Ayatollah Khamenei then warned about some efforts by aliens to stuff the mind of youths with wrong ideas and urged the scholars to counter the intellectual attack with up-to-date methods.

The IR Leader then said that another distinctive feature of the current era was the existence of a Qoran-based government in Iran. "We never claim the government totally follows Qoran however we believe that it moves on a right track," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that all people, especially the scholars must make their best of the phenomenal opportunity in expanding Islamic thoughts among the nations.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the aliens failed to realize their two dreams of destroying the Islamic Republic or keeping Iran backward, adding that the Islamic Republic survived all the plots and proved the ability of religious government in advancing the nations, bringing honor to Muslims thank to its own progress in such giant scientific fields as stem cell and sending satellite into orbit.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the arrogance and some reactionary governments in the region are moving against the Islamic government because they see an interest on the part of nations in the Islamic government and an inclination on the part of elites of Islamic world in the Iranian system.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that another sign of scariness of the bully superpowers and their regional mercenaries is that they try to fan Shii-Sunni conflict in a country where the Sunni people have a love for the household of the Messenger of Allah.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the continued aggression of the world arrogance against the Islamic Republic showed how deep a blow it has received from the faithful Iranian people, adding that the Iranian nation has stood like mountains in this regard.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the depth of resolve of the Iranian nation was a token of God's blessing, adding that the blessing doubles the responsibility of the scholars.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined the necessity of distinguishing enemy from friend. He made an example in this regard, saying that at the peak of the full scale support of the Iranian government and nation to the innocent Palestinian people in the 33-day Gaza war in late 2008, suddenly a destructive viral idea penetrated the society namely that 'Palestinians are enemies of household of Hazrat Muhammad' in a bid to push the Islamic Republic to withdraw support.

On the other side, certain people seek to track possible insults against Sunni sanctities to mar their relationship with Shii people, Ayatollah Khamenei warned, adding that Shii and Sunni scholars must realize the plots and never allow them to ruin their mutual intimacy.

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