The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader stresses on regional ties

The Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with Armenian President on Tuesday described relations between the two countries as very good and called on the two sides to pursue implementation of bilateral agreements.   

Pointing to the IRI government and nation's eagerness for promotion of ties with the Armenian government and nation Ayatollah Khamenei lauded role of the Armenian countrymen in different fields and noted that the Armenian countrymen defended the Revolution and the Islamic Republic shoulder to shoulder with their Muslim brothers during the 8-year imposed war.    

The Islamic Revolution Leader said that the relations between neighboring countries would strengthen them and preserve them against damages adding," Big powers are trying to block regional ties under different excuses."   

Touching on the role of America and some European countries in provoking Saddam in attacking Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said," In most wars and regional conflicts, clear and hidden hands of the big powers are seen as we witnessed that the Zionist regime's attacks on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon were plotted by support of America. But Saddam's defeat in the imposed war against Iran and the Zionists' failure in the 22-day and 33-day wars against the Gaza Strip and Lebanon proved that dependence on the aliens would be in vain."

The Islamic Revolution Leader termed the idea of creating peace between Armenia and its neighbors as very good and urged for materializing it.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan for his part conveyed warm greetings of the Armenian nation to the Islamic Revolution Leader and expressed his country's full readiness to expand all-out ties with Iran. He also expressed his confidence over bright future for the two countries' relations.

Sargsyan lauded IRI as a determined country with a logical and moderate approach in regional developments. He pointed to his very good negotiations with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and said that they would materialize all reached greements.          
Meanwhile, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was present in the meeting.
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