The Office of the Supreme Leader

Domineering powers feel feeble, degenerated

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei told a group of freed captives formerly jailed by despotic regimes that they had advanced the great, international Islamic movement by their perseverance in jails, adding that Divine awards were secured for every moment of their perseverance.

Ayatollah Khamenei compared the current situation of Zionist regime and American government with that of 20 years ago, saying that the bullying powers which once felt to be on the peak of power had now feeling feeble and degenerated and that continued perseverance would brought more signs of victory and Divine might more than before.

The IR Leader said the path of God and His messengers was invincible, adding that as God blessed the perseverance and resistance of Lebanese and Palestinian combatants and made them victorious in Southern Lebanon and Gaza, other combatants too would savor victory, God willing.

Former captives present in the meeting along with their families were Samir Qantar, Sheikh Abd al-Karim Obaid and Mostafa Dirani, all freed from Zionist regime's jails, Jabar Mowat Kasar and Fazel al-Mousavi, both freed from Saddam Baathist regime's jails and a number of other former captives freed from the despotic regimes' jails.
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