The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

IRI will remain with Lebanon

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the visiting Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and his entourage Tuesday termed the unity of different Lebanese groups and sects as the only way to the prosperity of the country.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the capacity of all Lebanese groups should serve Lebanon's national might and unity to confront the danger of the Zionist regime," the IR Leader told President Sleiman.

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated Michel Sleiman's supportive stance to the Islamic Resistance and his efforts to restore national unity and preserve the army's integrity.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will always remain alongside Lebanon. We hope that the bilateral talks during this visit would strengthen the ties between the two countries more than before," said Ayatollah Kamenei.

The IR Leader stressed that Lebanon despite its small area had great themes. "One of these great themes is the very coexistence of different religions and sects in Lebanon."

Ayatollah Khamenei termed the historical victory of the Lebanese people against the Zionist regime in 2006 33-day war as another great theme of Lebanon. "In the past 60 years, no Islamic or Arab country was able to confront the Zionist regime while the Lebanese people managed to break this spell and expel the army of the Israeli regime from their land and defeat it. "

Underlining the necessity for preserving unity in Lebanon as the main factor for victory against the Zionist regime, Ayatollah Khamenei said "Holding talks among different Lebanese groups headed by the President is positively evaluated. Lebanon's bright future depends on national unity."

"Lebanon with its resistance against the aggressions of the Zionist regime turned to a model and lesson for the Muslim nations. During the very days of the 33-day war, many Muslims in the Islamic and Arab countries shouted slogans in support of Lebanon's Hezbollah and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah," the IR Leader stressed.

Ayatollah Khamenei termed the Islamic and Arab world's support for the resistance as highly meaningful. "We should preserve this morale of resistance firstly in our hearts and then in practice."

The IR Leader regarded terrorism as a big threat to Lebanon and all other countries in the region. "The terrorism that has been created by the money of certain governments eventually turned against them but these governments failed to take lesson and still continue to support terrorists."

The IR Leader said terrorism must be countered through a right approach.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the case of Palestinian refugees residing in Lebanon, saying that accommodation of the refugees in Arab countries was a right policy, noting however that the Palestinian refugees must return to their homes one day.

"Some individuals consider the return of Palestinian refugees to their land as impossible however it will happen indeed," the IR Leader assured.

In the meeting where President Mahmouad Ahmadinejad was also present, the Lebanese President thanked the Iranian nation and government for their support for Lebanon especially in the conflict situation of the 2006 33-day war against the Zionist regime as well as reconstruction period which followed the war.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran played a clear and invaluable role in resolving the internal Lebanese problems and the formulation of the Doha Agreement," Sleiman noted.

The Lebanese President delivered a brief report on the political, economic and security conditions of Lebanon, adding that the ministerial delegation accompanying the President included ministers from different Lebanese groups who had decided to come to Iran to express gratitude to the IRI for its positive role in the Lebanese developments.

Michel Sleiman believed that the establishment of a strong government in Lebanon would boost the Lebanese Resistance, adding that the Lebanese Army was the representation of national unity in Lebanon.

"The Army pursues the dignity of Lebanon and the Resistance is the manifestation of the dignity," he added.
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