The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader:

Hajj, a precious spiritual opportunity

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with Hajj organizers termed the ceremony a precious opportunity for pilgrims, the great Islamic Ummah and the Islamic Republic system.

"Hajj is the best opportunity for removing any differences among Muslims and harmonizing the intentions and wills in the Islamic world."

The IR Leader urged the Iranian Hajj organizers to remove any issue which may prevent the pilgrims from using the precious opportunity, adding that Hajj was a spiritual journey which must be made with both soul and body.

"Having enjoyed multiple ethnicities, races, cultures and tastes, the Islamic Ummah is exposed to potential divide. Hajj is a great opportunity for Muslims to reduce the gap," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei termed the Islamic Republic a sovereign but oppressed system, adding that the Hajj was an appropriate opportunity for explaining the realities of the Islamic Republic to Muslims.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that Shii and Sunni people were living together inside Iran under the rule of Koran and Islamic statute, adding that in Islamic countries and other corners of the world where Muslims reside, many feel affection for the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini and the great Iranian nation.

"The enemies however accuse the Islamic system of enmity with different denominations of Islam. The distortion must be laid bare for Muslims," the IR Leader urged.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said many Muslims never find the chance to express their hatred to the arrogance, especially America for its interventions in Muslims' internal affairs. "The Islamic Republic of Iran however has provided a free, globally-reaching pulpit to make the Muslim sentiments heard. Hence America's enmity towards the system," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei denounced the efforts of some individuals and circles inside the country to blacken the situation and incite mental disturbances within members of the society, noting that the Iranian nation is that nation which helped the great revolution to win and has defended the Islamic System for thirty years.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned that the achievements of the system had not been readily realized that some target the principle of the system on grounds of personal motives or enmity with the administration.

The IR Leader expressed deep regret for the current anti-administration propaganda situation in the country adding that God would not ignore the issue.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged all individuals and groups to be wary about their words and deeds, adding that certain acts had potential to set off seditions which would ignite both innocents and tyrants.
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