The Office of the Supreme Leader

Armed Forces, solid fence of nation

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei described the Armed Forces as solid fence for the country adding that the nation considers them as an indispensable part of the national body.

Ayatollah Khamenei told a joint graduation ceremony Sunday that the national fence would prove further powerful provided the Armed Forces are equipped with the power of faith and spiritual strength.

"Today, the Islamic Iran has an exceptional historical grandeur in the world having enjoyed valiant and faithful soldiers," the IR Leader appreciated.

Ayatolah Khamenei noted that the IRI Armed Forces had also proved its grandeur through faith and defense of pure monotheistic values besides power of weaponary.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the superpowers at present abuse their armies to quench their greed and vanity, whereas the the IRI's armed forces are ready to put their lives in defense of Islamic values and solidification of divine good deeds.

"They stand any fields and gain eventual victory," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The Commander in Chief of the IRI's Armed Forces then pointed to the victory of Hezbollah's brave youths by power of faith against the Zionist regime's armed to teeth soldiers which was even admitted by themselves.

"The Hezbollah's victory indicates the superiority of faith over material powers. The dear youths in the armed forces should cherish the unique advantage of faith and spirituality."

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the role of bravery, faith, sacrifice and resistance of the Iranian nation against the enemy which forced them out of the country.

"Those enemies who could not imagine the Iranian nation would resist against them at the begining of the Islamic Revolution are now, after thirty years, acknowledging that the Islamic Iran and its Armed Forces are in the strongest position ever," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei advised the armed forces to pursue great spiritual virtues, science, full discipline and preparedness, and sincerity in conduct.

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