The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader:

Dialog, insufficient to resolve global problems

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei received several international political and religious personalities Tuesday in a meeting where he told the personalities that dialog and interaction was essential to achieve international understanding but not sufficient.

Ayatollah Khamenei told the personalities that the bitter realities of the present world including war, starvation or violation of human rights were all rooted in the devilish spirit of transgression and therefore any effort to resolve the global problems must primarily seek to administer justice and defang tyranny.

The personalities who were in the Islamic Republic as part of an initiative to promote dialog among nations were reminded by the IR Leader that while dialog could help promote understanding among nations and governments, it nevertheless proves insufficient in harnessing the unbecoming conduct of superpowers and putting an eventual end to human sufferings.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed injustice as the historical cause of the painful sufferings of human community, calling into mind the bloody situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. "Do these painful tragedies take place out of misunderstanding or rather they are rooted in such issues as transgression and injustice," the IR Leader enquired.

Ayatollah Khamenei also attributed the existing global woes to such historical issues as dominance of rigid western colonialism across the world and its humiliating treatment of Muslims or other nations.

"We do not blame the present western generation for the conduct of its past generation however the current western authorities are seeking dominance over the world and violate the rights of nations as their predecessors did," Ayatollah Khamenei deplored.

Ayatollah Khamenei recommended the well wishers of the human community as well as those who are motivated to resolve the global problems to condemn tyranny and injustice unreservedly anywhere they exists and pursue to distinguish tyrants from innocents.

Touching on the tyranny which currently befalls the Palestinian nation, Ayatollah khamenei argued that prayer and advice are good for resolving the problems however in the absence of justice, no advice or other move would prove effective.

Ayatollah khamenei urged any influential personality in the world to rise to a blatant tyranny currently befalling Palestine and Iraq.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted the personalities that a peace which settles through unfair tactics would not endure adding that any call to support peace must accompany a call to justice as well.

At the beginning of the meeting, Hojjat-ol-Islam Sayyed Mohammad Khatami, ex-Iranian president, laid out the efforts and measures currently being adopted to specify the role of religion in resolving the global problems.

Then former Norwegian premier Kjell Magne Bondevik spoke who said he took honor in his meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei.

Bondevik then pointed to a current surge in tensions between the west and the world of Islam, adding that the humiliating treatment of the Muslims by the west and its efforts to mar the image of Islam had further fanned the global problems, suggesting that dialog could reduce levels of misunderstanding.

The former Norwegian official moreover condemned the US invasion of Iraq, noting "now five years after the invasion it has been proved there were no Mass Destruction Weapons in the country from the outset."

Sadiq al-Mahdi, former premier of Sudan for his part spoke of imperativeness of a change in Western attitude towards the global issue and Islamic world affairs, adding that the divisive efforts against the world of Islam must be countered unanimously.

Ex-Portuguese president, George Sampaio who represents UN Secretary General in the UN initiative of dialog among civilizations believed Iran could play a key role in promoting understanding and building a better world especially considering its history, values and significance.

Sampaio too condemned the US invasion of Iraq and voiced approval of the suggestion of Ayatollah Khamenei on the necessity of combat against tyranny.

John Bryson Chane, President of the US-based Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation was the next to speak, calling into mind his previous visits to Iran. "I love the Iranian people and consider them as my next of kin."

Bryson believed that Islam and Christianity are more powerful than the existing problems, adding that the problems of the world could be resolved through religious solutions.

The President noted the US religious leaders voiced their opposition to invasion of Iraq on several occasions however US and Britain invaded Iraq irrespective of the wishes of nations and their religious leaders.

Ex Italian premier Romano Prodi too pointed to the key role of Iran in the region and the world, saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran is able to help the region to evolve in a positive and constructive manner.
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