The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei:

Perseverance, key to survival of Iranian nation

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Monday that the mystery to survival of the Iranian nation was its perseverance on revolutionary principles and goals.

In a meeting with the country's Friday prayers leaders, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "At time when the Marxism school has collapsed and the cries of disintegration of the Western liberal democracy is being heard, the Islamic movement is fourishing day by day. The Islamic Revolution as the driving engine behind the great intellectual school should strengthen the perserevrance."

Referring to the Iranian people's allegiance to Islam, the Revolution and Imam Khomeini, the IR Leader said: "The Iranian people persevered on its allegiance by soul and heart, helping realize the divine promise which was the establishment of religious government in Iran."

Ayatollah Khamenei regarded Imam Khomeini's ten-year leadership and his powerful faith as the main factors which encouraged people to persevere.

He regarded the victory of the Islamic Revolution from within a situation run by the two great thoughts of Marxism and Liberal Democracy as being beyond material analyses and calculations.

"The Islamic movement inspired by the Islamic Revolution grew more powerful despite any conspiracies. It is assisted by divine sources. Now there is no name of Marxism while the Liberal Democracy has run aground even with all its political, economic and military strength.

"The Islamic Revolution had two big ideological rivals, Marxism and Liberal Democracy. They had made plans for the world issues according to their thoughts and ideas," said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

Referring to the failure and the ensuing disintegration of the Marxism school, Ayatollah Khamenei added: "This school had its own claims and mottos that faded gradually and the remaining form and appearance of Marxism collapsed and disappeared in a short period of time like a spider's web."

"After the collapse of Marxism, the West's school of Liberal Democracy was tempted by the idea of unilateral dominance on the world. It thought the whole world was its own," he added.

"The school's political claims and false mottos of human rights and democracy were uncovered in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion and the bombardment of different areas. Today the false bubble of dominance of money has broken in the Western world and their cries have risen to the sky," Ayatollah Khamenei said of the Western Democracy.

Ayatollah Khamenei regarded the current problems of the Western world as an indicator of the economic claims of the West's Liberal Democracy.

He referred to the Western analysts' confession to inefficiency of Liberal Democracy's economic methods, saying: "They themselves say that the era of America's absolute dominance has come to an end."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution regarded these issues as great and deserving contemplation.

"In this situation, the main factors behind the Islamic Revolution , including divine faith, hope, and spirit of work should be strengthened more than before."

The Islamic Revolution Leader then touched on the popular root of the religious service of Friday prayers and the role it plays in building and promoting Islamic culture, adding that the Friday prayers leaders must promote people's hope in future, especially in the youth.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned that some individuals were trying to make people frustrated and divert their mind form the path. "The Islamic Revolution is mightily going ahead. Though there are some problems in the path, some individuals claim the train has got off the track or moves backward against all realities," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Friday prayers leaders to promote Islamic morality in society and expand amicable ties with people, especially with the underprivileged and the families of war veterans.

The IR Leader also urged the ulema to enhance their bond with other alims and also oversight the conduct their next of kin.
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