The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI would never abandon Palestinian nation

The faithful Iranian nation staged Eid ul-Fitr prayers ceremony Wednesday across the country, turning the service into a spiritual festival. In Tehran, the Grand Mosque was the venue to host crowds of people who staged the Eid prayers in congregation behind the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayato llah Sayyed Ali Khamenei.

The Islamic Revolution Leader congratulated the auspicious occasion to the nation and the Islamic umma and urged all people to preserve the spiritual immaculacy they had developed through the month.

"A great lesson in this blessed month is that human being is able to overcome its worldly desires. It proves that if one decides robustly he can beat carnal desires and abandon unbecoming habits," the IR Leader said.

The IR Leader called philanthropy another spiritual fruit of the blessed month which specially emerged in many banquets rolled by people in mosques and streets free of charge as well as blood donation by the public in the month.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that it was a divine mercy that the youths as well as people with different political and social views had joined the spiritual services in the month. He urged the nation to keep on the practice and make the Ramadan-like blessings to flow through their days and nights.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the nationwide staging of Eid-ul-Fitr prayers in congregation showed the nation was integrated in true terms, calling on people to keep the precious unity as a spiritual fruit of the auspicious month of Ramadan.

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei commemorated the memory of Imam Khomeini, the departed and said that the World Qods Day designated by the departed Imam was a genuine occasion of unity for the world of Islam.

"This year, Muslims voiced their solidarity to the innocent Palestinian nation wherever they found opportunity from east of the world of Islam to the west even in a Europe which weathers the fanaticism of governments," Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the World Qods Day bore testimony to defeat of 60 years of efforts by usurpers of Palestine and their allies to remove it from memories.

"Thank to Islamic awakening, the world of Islam today is more sensitive and motivated than ever regarding the Palestinian issue so that if this level awakening was in place in time of the occupation of Palestine in 1948, the country would have never been occupied by the Zionists," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Muslim nations were largely prompted by the valor and perseverance of the Palestinian nation to support the Qods issue.

"I assure the Palestinian nation, its legitimate government of Hamas and the warrior brother Mr. (Ismail) Haniya (the Premier) that the Iranian nation has never abandoned you and would never."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the collapse of Zionists was definite, expressing hope that the current Palestinian generation would witness the great day by God's assistance.

Ayatollah Khamenei said unity was the sole solution for the world of Islam in countering the full blown offensive of its enemies.

"The full blown offensive does not mean the enemy has got stronger. Rather it means that the enemy has found itself feeble in the face of the great Islamic movement and therefore resorts to divisive methods. They seek to scare the Muslim countries away from the Islamic Republic of Iran by fanning Shii-Sunni or sectarian differences."

"However, the Iranian nation and the Islamic system, as declared in many occasions consider their accomplishments as belonging to the overall Islamic umma and urges for unity in any situation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the internal parties for unity, adding that unity did not necessarily mean to streamline all the existing political views rather it meant different political parties must join hands and prefer national interests over partisan ones.
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