The Office of the Supreme Leader

Poesy, a strong means to help boost moralities

A group of Iranian poets delivered their latest works of art in the presence of the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Monday evening where the IR Leader called Persian poetry a great national wealth and urged the folks to beef up the deposit in service of the country.

On the eve of the birth anniversary of the second Shii Imam which falls on mid Ramadan, Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the growth of poetry after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and said that even eminent poets of time had gag on their mouth in the pre-revolutionary era and found no chance to pour out their sentiments whereas at present the stage is set for the youth thank to the Islamic revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei however urged the poetical community to improve poetry criticism in a bid to encourage more quality poems.

Noting an improving trend in the works of the budding poets compared to 15 years ago, Ayatollah Khamenei instructed the relevant bodies to further encourage poetry and highlighted how substantively poesy could help boost moralities and hope in society.

In the same regard, the IR Leader called for promotion of wisdom-replete poetry seen especially in the works of prominent Iranian poets like Saadi Shirazi, Ferdowsi, Nezami Ganjavi, Sanayi Qaznavi, Naser Khosrow, Jami, Waez Qazvini, Saeb Tabrizi and Bidel Dehlavi.

Inadequacy of themes in political and revolutionary poetry was the next problem to be taken up by the IR Leader to remedy which Ayatollah Khamenei urged the poets to pay more attention to the message of justice and spirituality championed by the Islamic revolution. "The Islamic revolution challenged the superpowers by offering a new logic to the world which runs counter to transgression."

The IR Leader concluded by commemorating the memory of the prominent Iranian poet Qeysar Amin-pour who passed away early this year.

The ceremony was wrapped by congregational prayers and fast breaking service.
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