The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Officials of Judiciary Branch

The valor and sacrifices of the martyrs and appreciate the opportunity to serve the public which is a blessing resulting from this martyrdom

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the officials and judges of the judiciary branch as well as with the families of Tir 7 (June 28) martyrs. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence said that there is a general assumption that the judiciary branch is a sanctuary for the oppressed and described it as a positive point and as the ultimate goal. He referred to the important role of the judiciary branch and its heavy responsibilities and stressed: "The demand that was made seven years ago urging the heads of the three movement branches to seriously and decisively fight economic corruption is still important."

In this meeting - which was held on the occasion of the martyrdom of Shahid Beheshti and 72 of his companions on June 28, 1981 (Tir 7) - the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution paid tribute to the memory of these martyrs. Referring to the immense and essential services and deeds done in the judiciary branch, he added: "These valuable measures which were taken within the framework of the general policies and the second development plan of the judiciary branch must be pursued fully and seriously."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the implementation of these policies as the means to help the judiciary branch achieve its proper position in society and added: "This proper position is equivalent to generating the general feeling that the judiciary branch is faithful and fair in administering justice." Stressing the need for making use of faithful, efficient, and knowledgeable individuals within the judiciary branch in order to reach a high position, His Eminence said: "The leadership of Ayatollah Shahrudi who is a knowledgeable, scholarly person and the presence of prominent personalities in the judiciary branch provide good opportunities in order to improve this branch of the government and help it achieve the position it deserves."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described constant evaluation of the progress towards the desired position as an important priority. Ayatollah Khamenei also said that all legal cases must be considered quickly and carefully.

His Eminence also stressed that implementing laws and minimum violation of them is another priority. He referred to the issue of prisons and said: "Pursuing the policy of reducing the amount of imprisonment is a positive measure, but the existence of prisons is a reality. And we must try to turn prisons into institutes for promoting good deeds."

Ayatollah Khamenei described the judiciary branch as logical, advanced, and strong, further adding: "Using all the legal potentialities of this branch, especially the Ministry of Justice, is one of the priorities."

Elsewhere in his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei touched upon the importance of dealing with and uprooting economic corruption. "In addition to the fact that economic corruption creates an obstacle to sound investment in society, it prepares the ground for the spread of cultural and moral decadence."

His Eminence also stressed: "Although the letter that demanded the heads of the three government branches to deal with economic corruption dates back to 7 years ago, this issue is a current demand, and the officials of the three government branches must treat it seriously."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the coincidence of Judiciary Week and the martyrdom of Shahid Beheshti and 72 of his companions as worthy of reflection and added: "This coincidence means that government officials must always remember the valor and sacrifices of the martyrs and appreciate the opportunity to serve the public which is a blessing resulting from this martyrdom."

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