The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei

A UN seat must be given to Islamic world

Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with visiting Comoros President, Ahmad Abdullah Muhammad Sambi termed unity as the basic need of the Islamic world.

Pointing to valuable resources of the Islamic countries, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "The Islamic world with rich, natural resources, strategic geographical position, vast lands and population as well as expert human sources can turn into a power but the traditional powers of the world oppose such a development."

The IR Leader highlighted the recent achievements of the Islamic countries in scientific and technological fields, notably the Islamic Republic of Iran's access to peaceful nuclear energy, adding "Although the enemies of the Islamic world know that the IRI's nuclear activities are peaceful by nature, they oppose it because the Iranian nation's achievement is notable and progressive."

Ayatollah Khamenei said a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council should be given to Islamic countries.

"The Islamic world despite having many facilities suffers lack of sufficient power to defend itself. To resolve the issue it should take practical steps to put aside phony hurdles and leave behind geographical, ethnic and religious differences."

Pointing to the enemies' plots to sow discord among Muslims especially by inciting Shii-Sunni difference, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "Unfortunately some politicians, intellectuals and Alims in the world of Islam have fallen into this trap. They should know that the only solution to make a powerful Islamic world is practical and willing unity and cooperation among the Islamic countries."

Comoros President for his part expressed satisfaction over his meeting with the Islamic Revolution Leader and called for expansion of ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Sambi stressed on necessity of using experiences of the Iranian experts for his country's progress and said, "Comoros needs comprehensive planning and views of the Iranian experts."

Meanwhile, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was also present in the meeting.
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