The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution belongs to all now and then generations

Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in an address to thousands of people at the Imam Khomeini's mausoleum said according to the late Imam's guidelines the Islamic Revolution belongs to all now and then Iranian generations and the Iranian big nation would preserve this great and divine achievement under performing the late Imam's guidelines in his last will and maintaining the Islamic Revolution's slogans, values and principles under progress and innovation.

Pointing to the permanent affection of the Iranian nation specially the youth generation to the late Imam Khomeini Ayatollah Khamenei said, "This affection and respect to the late is not just belonged to the Iranian nation but the people around the world specially the Islamic countries have the same feelings towards Imam Khomeini which originated from two main reasons: Greatness of the Imam Khomeini and greatness of the Islamic Revolution.

He lauded Imam Khomeini's unique personality and said, "The Islamic Revolution of Iran like Islam has different political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual fields and is compatible with needs of mankind. This issue has made the Islamic Revolution lasting and promoted it worldwide."

Islamic Revolution Leader termed the last will of Imam Khomeini as the best spiritual heritage and guideline for the nation in all issues and developments and underlined that the nation from different walks of life specially the youth generation and heads of three branches of government should think deeply about the Imam's words in his last will because it is a great guideline for the Iranian nation.

He termed the Imam's emphasis on the nation as the real owner of the Revolution as the important point of his last will and added, "No individual, fraction and class is not the owner of the Revolution and the people would preserve this great achievement and its values."

Pointing to some efforts to change the slogans of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khmenei added," Some people are trying to change religious, justice-seeking and anti-arrogance approach of the Revolution on the guise of the new global developments but the nation would not allow them to do this."

Islamic Revolution Leader said that the current youth generation like the youth generation of the sacred defense era were the owner of the Islamic Revolution and added," The current generation would guarantee the permanence of the Revolution through its high revolutionary understanding as well as scientific, social and political endeavors because all the generations of the country have the same relationship with the revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that Imam's prediction over the expansion of the Revolution was another main point in his last will and said, "Expansion of the Revolution does not mean sending troops and promotion of terrorism but it means the extension of the Islamic Revolution's teachings specially defending the oppressed."

He termed Muslims' anti-arrogance and anti-Zionism acts as signs of expansion of the late Imam's teachings and noted "Today even the Iranian nation's slogan over the nuclear energy has turned into a public demand in the Arab and Islamic countries. This shows that the Muslim nation consider Iranian nations' goals with respect."

Pointing to the enemies' confession to expansion of the idea of defending the Palestinian nation, he said "Today the Muslim nations like Iranian nation consider the Zionist regime as a fake regime. Unfortunately the rulers these nations have not the same view over this regime."

"Israel has lost its ability and has no power to stand but the America' brazen support to the regime and not supporting the Palestinian nation by the Arab and Islamic governments have created obstacles towards regional changes."

"The enemies of the Islamic Revolution pretended that religion is against progress and the Westernization is the factor of progress but the great Imam underlined and showed that the spirit of the Revolution is the spirit of progress and innovation."

He termed the Iranian nation's relying on its capabilities and moving towards creativity and independence-seeking as the main reasons behind enmity of the arrogant powers.

"The arrogant power opposed to the nuclear rights of the Iranian nation because the Iranian nation could gain nuclear technology through their knowledge, innovation and without depending on the cruel powers."

Ayatollah Khamenei added that if using this energy would lead to dependence of a nation on these bullying powers, they would show no disagreement with the issue.

"Today we can see that these big powers have signed nuclear contracts with some countries which had less progress in relation to the Iranian nation."

"The Iranian nation had expressed many times that it would never seeks nuclear weapons and the Americans know this well but they can not deny our indisputable rights clearly and trying to pose some false claims against the Iranian nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei added that from the standpoint of Islam and wisdom the Iranian and officials oppose to nuclear weapons but it would do its best to follow its path towards using peaceful nuclear energy.

Another point of Imam Khomeini's last will was marking the arrogant powers' psychological war for disappointing nations and added "When these powers were unable to stand against a nation they appeal to psychological war. For the reason they has misused this method against the Iranian nation but they failed."

Addressing the active youth in seminaries and universities, Ayatollah Khamenei said "Dear youth, you have achieve half of your goals and should achieve another half of the remained goals through your fixed will."

Pointing to Imam Khomeini's warns against organized plots for making the youth away from their religious motivations, the IR Leader said, "The enemy tries to leads the youth astray through drugs and sensual affairs to block progress of the Iranian nation. The nation and officials should be vigilant against these plots and make serious efforts in this regard."

IR Leader pointed to resistance against the bullying powers as the main point of the Imam's last will and said, "Surrendering to the oppressive powers would increase their rudeness and a nation who wants to save itself from oppressive powers and America it should resist firmly against them."

Pointing to the illogical behaviors of the American rulers and added that these moved indicates the defeats of the American ruling party in different parts of the world specially Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Emphasis on following the Imam Khomeini's way is a blessed phenomena but a distinguished point of Imam's views was resisting against bullying powers. The elites and political parties of the country should maintain their strength against these powers."

Pointing to the America and Zionists' political and psychological war against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that America and Zionists' allegations over violation of human rights in Iran had no base moreover among the world nations and they would never believe these claims.
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