The Office of the Supreme Leader

Resistance and faith, sole way to free Palestine

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Tuesday praised the Palestinian people and the Hamas government for their robust resistance against the stiff pressures and unprecedented crimes of the Zionist regime and its bullying friends.

"The Zionist regime, which once looked invincible, suffers its weakest ever position now, being unable to stand against the shelter-less and lone Palestinian nation that nevertheless has been persevering," Ayatollah Khamenei told the Hamas Political Bureau Chief, Khaled Mashal and his accompanying delegation.

"May Allah's peace be upon the Palestinian nation which has stood by like mountains despite all these stunning and unprecedented atrocities," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said that the sole way to free Palestine was to keep resistance and faith. He appreciated the elected Hamas authorities, not least the Premier Ismail Haniya, for adopting a brave and resolute stance.

The Islamic Revolution Leader expressed deep sorrow at the current woes of the Palestinian people, especially the inhumane siege of the Gaza Strip coupled with the daily bloodshed of women, children and other defenseless people in the area.

"The tragic scenes are painful. However, the perseverance of the innocent Palestinian people against the usurper Zionist regime which is backed by all sorts of economic, military and propaganda supports, generates hope and proves to be a Divine Promise," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated that the Palestinian issue and the frustration of the Zionist enemy and arrogant powers against the nation as well as the ever growing achievements of the Iranian nation despite all pressures in the past thirty years are all the clear interpretation of the God's promise that 'if one assists the faith of God and persevere, God too would assist him.'

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that perseverance in the path of God has a price, adding however that those who step in the path and endure any potential hardships would be honored by God whereas those who choose another path would pay the price of being shameful before God.

Khaled Mashal for his part delivered a report on the latest Palestinian developments, especially the disastrous situation in Gaza, adding however that the Palestinian nation takes honor in its perseverance and would not relinquish resistance or support to the Hamas government under any conditions.

Hamas Political Bureau Chief said the Palestinian youths have embraced spirit of martyrdom, adding that the issue had given a large boost to the position of the Palestinian resistance.
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