The Office of the Supreme Leader

Delivered a speech tens of thousands of faithful revolutionary people of Larestan

US Is the Main Cause of Insecurity in the Region

On the last day of his trip to Fars province, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei delivered a speech on Thursday to tens of thousands of faithful revolutionary people of Larestan County who had gathered in Takhti Stadium and the nearby streets. Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the presence of the American troops in Iraq and in the region as the reason behind the current insecurity and unrest, further reiterating: "Relying on Islam, the great Iranian nation will defend their interests, identity, and reputation as a unified front. Benefiting from the efforts and talents of our enthusiastic youth, our nation will achieve a high position in the world."

On the last day of his trip to Fars province, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei delivered a speech on Thursday to tens of thousands of faithful revolutionary people of Larestan County who had gathered in Takhti Stadium and the nearby streets. Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the presence of the American troops in Iraq and in the region as the reason behind the current insecurity and unrest, further reiterating: "Relying on Islam, the great Iranian nation will defend their interests, identity, and reputation as a unified front. Benefiting from the efforts and talents of our enthusiastic youth, our nation will achieve a high position in the world."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that knowledge about the past paves the way for better understanding of the current issues and helps find appropriate ways in the future. His Eminence also touched upon the Islamic and anti-colonialist uprising of the people of Larestan, under the great Ayatollah Sayyid Abdul Hossein Lari, that took place more than 100 years ago. He added: "Under the leadership of the mujahid and knowledgeable clergy, the people of Larestan proved that one can triumph over the greatest and the most obstinate enemies through knowledge, courage, and insight. The Iranian nation put this effective lesson into practice during the Islamic Revolution."

Explaining the positive outcomes of the Revolution, the Supreme Leader stated: "At that time, the global powers thought that they had uprooted religion and religiousness in the world, especially in the Islamic countries. But having learned lessons from the past Islamic revolts and activities, the Iranian nation hoisted the flag of Islam and adherence to the Quran and Islamic principles. To the surprise of the world's bullying powers, the Iranian nation restored religiousness to human life."

Ayatollah Khamenei touched upon the increasing inclination of people towards religion and spirituality even in non-Islamic countries, further adding: "This reality is one of the outcomes of the great miracle that the Iranian nation performed through the Islamic Revolution and through presenting the world with a model for religion-based rule."

Referring to the prerequisites of the Iranian nation's powerful continuation of its movement, His Eminence described reliance on Islam as being of paramount importance. "Islam embodies freedom, independence, grandeur, general welfare, progress, and all blessings and goodness in this world and the hereafter. Therefore, reliance on Islam is the unique way of realizing the ideals of the nation," he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the unity of the Iranian nation, unanimity of Muslim nations, and cooperation among Islamic countries as absolute necessities. Referring to the efforts of the domineering powers to make the Persian Gulf states fear the Islamic Revolution, he said: "As it has declared since the beginning, the Islamic Republic believes in the Islamic unity from the bottom of its heart. Just like the past, the Islamic Republic extends the hand of friendship towards its neighbors."

His Eminence said that the Islamic Republic's insistence on unity in the Islamic world is not because it needs the neighbors. "Rather, it is all based on its deep Islamic beliefs," he said. He also added: "Unfortunately, the enemies sometimes succeed in their plots to foment schism in the Islamic world. However, in spite of all these machinations and the efforts of American and Zionist espionage systems, the Islamic Republic has good and friendly relations with the Arab and non-Arab states in the region and these relations are being boosted on a daily basis."

His Eminence described the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation among the Shia and Sunni Muslims of Larestan County as an exemplary model of unity among Muslims, further reiterating: "Different opinions, interpretations, and tastes should not undermine the unity and collective efforts of Shia and Sunni Muslims which are aimed at promoting monotheism, and actualizing the principles set by Islam and the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)."

Ayatollah Khamenei described preventing Muslims nations from following the Islamic Republic model as the basic reason behind the enemies' threats and their political and economic propaganda - including the shameful writings of some of their mercenaries in the Arab media - and added: "The Iranian nation is the heart of the Islamic Ummah and the center of the great Islamic awakening and progress, and global bullying powers are worried about this increasing attention of the Islamic Ummah to this practical model."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the only way to oppose the different plots of arrogant powers is increasing unity and nonstop efforts to make progress on all fronts in the country and added: "Of course the true nature of the policies of those who oppose Islam has been revealed to the people of the region, and the falsity of their claims has been proven."

His Eminence described the presence of the American forces in the Persian Gulf as a source of insecurity and further stated: "Security in the Persian Gulf should be provided by the governments of this region, and everyone should know that the period of the bullying powers' domination over other countries, canals and strategic regions is over."

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Americans' claims about providing security in Iraq as a blatant lie and stated: "As some of these Americans confessed they invaded the country for its oil reserves, and they are the greatest source of insecurity in the country due to their disregard of the Iraqi people's lives, principles, and pride."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution later referred to the false accusations of the US regarding the role of Iran and other countries in the Iraqi insecurities, and reiterated: "The very presence of the American invaders would suffice to provoke to the Iraqi people. Therefore, the Americans are the main culprits in this issue."

His Eminence said the American's interference in the issue of Palestine and their support of the Zionist regime has made the Palestinian issue more complex and added: "The vigilant, noble, and broad-minded people of Palestine have elected their government and this elected government is now in charge, but the Americans are a barrier to peace in the country due to their unwarranted interference in Palestine and their support of the Zionists."

At the end of this part of the speech, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "Undoubtedly, the issues of Palestine and Iraq will be solved and will result in the disgrace of the Americans and the network of arrogance."

His Eminence referred to the final days of his trip to Fars province, and extending his sincere thanks to the people of this province, he said: "During this 9-day trip, the honorable people of Fars province treated me with utmost kindness and sincerity."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "During yesterday's meeting with the cabinet members in Shiraz, different problems and issues of Fars province were discussed and some good and important decisions were made. I hope the officials can render great services to the kind people of Fars province."

At the beginning of this meeting, Ayatollah Ayatollahi welcomed the Supreme Leader to Larestan County on behalf of himself and the Sunni and Shia residents of this County.

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