The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iranian nation will revive Islamic civilization

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei told an assembly of top figures in the Fars province south Iran that the legacy of the Iranian nation encompases precious talents, national motivation, faith, and historical heritage.

"Considering these factors, the prospect of the Iranian nation is very bright. The great nation by God's favor will revive Islamic civilization at this very juncture," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader described innovation as an essentiality for the country, defining the notion as a means to pave the way for talents to emerge and for thoughts to flourish and to review the past to expedite pace of progress and build a brilliant future.

"This is the great responsibility of the nation, the elites and the authorities," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic could be distinguished from any previous systems dominating Iran in the past in that it converted individual authority into a system of national resolution.

"In God's favor, the national resolve led by Islam is helping materialize the aspirations of the nation. This chapter of the history of Iran must be treasured," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The IR Leader described the Iranian nation as abundant in talents, adding that the nation could make up for the backward pages of its history, triggered by the past puppet regime's 200-year ruling, through further efforts and innovation.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that different constructs of the society, including universities, Howzeh (schools of Islamic studies) and research centers must share the responsibility to accelerate the pace of progress in the country.

The IR Leader urged the elites to promote hope among the people, especially the youths adding that the elites must combat against a killer poison the enemy tries to spread in the society by blackening and frustration projects.

"Hope that before a next generation comes to being, our youths would witness an Iran which reposes atop in civilization and grandeur so that all nations and world scientists and intellectuals feel a need to its science and culture. The situation could materialize indeed," the IR Leader added.
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