The Office of the Supreme Leader

inspected a provincial exposition Monday dedicated to latest inventions by the local researchers and specialists.

Ayatollah Khamenei inspects research expo in Fars province

Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of Islamic Revolution who is currently on a provincial visit to Fars province south Iran, inspected a provincial exposition Monday dedicated to latest inventions by the local researchers and specialists.

On show in the fair were the latest accomplishments by the researchers and specialists from Shiraz University, Shiraz School of Medical Science, as well as local researchers in agriculture, electricity, transportation, mine, industry and defense.

A section of the expo was dedicated to nanotech sciences where Shiraz University researchers had put on show an array of inventions on nano-electronics, nano-biotechnology, nano-chemistry, nano-physics, nano-material, and nano-calculations.

Also on show in the section were the latest co-findings of Tabesh Research Center, affiliated to Shiraz University, and IRI's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO).

Other research centers represented in the fair were Biotech Research Center, Center of Chemical, Oil and Gas Engineering Researches, Center of Aerial Researches, and Center of Meteorological and Oceanic Researches.

The show also ran mocks-up of an upgraded hydroelastic dam valves, a full-automatic fueling system as well as a rainfall levels forecast system.

A special chamber of the fair devoted to the achievements of Shiraz School of Medical Science ran the state-of-the-art findings of the physicians and surgical researchers of the Fras province on kidney transplant, liver transplant, pancreas transplant, bone marrow transplant, and corneal transplant.

Also on display was indigenous inventions like a first-ever software to monitor and control ward infections, a first-ever pattern of food security and nourishment in the Fars province, a special-features concrete for shielding nuclear reactors and radiotherapy wards as well as a large-scale screening design for certain widespread diseases.

In the industry and mine pavilion, Ayatollah Khamenei inspected the latest innovations of local professionals in the fields of petrochemistry, telecommunications, and water-piping.

These include an smart engine system, a mobile relay system, an electromagnetic counter, different kinds of neural and muscular electrodes, advanced plastic composites, GRP water pipes for urban sewage collection, hybrid electrofilters for pollution reduction in cement factories, and finally refinery monitor systems and boards.

Also on show were an anti-pest biological program, a portable digital physiotherapy device, bone surgery and treatment devices, different kinds of transformers, a all-automatic fruit picker, an oxygen-improved fish breading plan, laser-controlled land leveling equipments, and a super harvest machine.

Ayatollah Khamenei also inspected a chamber in the exposition dedicated to the latest innovations of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics where military equipments and electronic devices were on display.

These include high-frequency radar waves boosters, aerial and marine navigational systems, different parachutes, advanced military telecommunications systems, assimilators, land surveillance radars, as well as latest research projects on marine air, electroacoustics, and marine physics.
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