The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iranian nation can withstand embargos

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Sunday instructed the authorities to formulate more effective plans for utilizing the enormous natural and human resources of the country and helping expand business activities.

"The people and authorities must advance the country to the points where foreign sanctions or embargo threats are no longer harmful. They must do the job as a national undertaking through a joint, diligent effort and upon a clear-cut timetable," Ayatollah Khamenei said in a speech to a very large assembly of nomads and other people of the southern Fars provincial city of Nourabad Mamasani.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on different bungled conspiracies of the enemies to break the resolution of the Iranian nation, adding, "The enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran assume now that threats of sanctions could put a damper in our national resolve. Nonetheless, the great Iranian nation will withstand the conspiracies and even will take large strides as it did in the past 30 years under different sorts of sanctions or embargos.

"Haven't you already tested the Iranian nation? We will keep our path decisively and will not allow the arrogant to tread on the right of the nation," the IR Leader said, alluding to the superpowers' recent threats to impose further embargos on the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed that the Iranian nation would not back down in the face of threats, making it clear that the nation had opted for perfection, dignity, independence and full implementation of Islamic views in the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the only path to salvation and prosperity of the Iranian nation and other Muslim nations lied in the instructions of Islam.

"In the post-revolutionary era, wherever we have lived up to the Islamic orders we could score better performances. The stand-by, ebullient, brave, aware and smart Iranian nation is familiar both with its duties and rights," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei viewed the nomads as source of dignity for the country, elaborating that in Iran, in contrast with some other countries, the diversity of ethnicities is considered as a privilege.

"The country's nomads have always safeguarded their nationality and religion and showed interest in the Islamic platform as well as their indigenous traditions," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged nomad youths to spend more time reading books and consult Alims to enhance their religious bonds.

The IR Leader then reviewed the problems facing the Nourabad Mamasani city and urged the authorities to accord further attention to the underprivileged area.

In this regard, the IR Leader appreciated President Ahmadinejad Administration for making first hand assessments of the situation in different corners of the country in their routine provincial visits.
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