The Office of the Supreme Leader

Basij constitutes a blessed tree

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei described Basij (collective name for voluntary public forces) as a blessed tree which was planted and grown under an initiative by Imam Khomeini the Departed.

Speaking to a large gathering of Basij forces as well as soldiers of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) in Fars province south of Iran Saturday, the IR Leader affirmed that Basij or "the collective association of faithful and motivated youths" would always remain essential for the Islamic Revolution in different defensive, cultural and social fields.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Revolution was the outcome of the positive response of the ocean of nation to the call of the revered Imam.

"The great response again took place during the Sacred Defense (1980-88) where people with motivation, ebullience and faith rushed to the battleground under the flag of Basij. The great national association has extended roots across the vast Iranian land," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Basij could be defined as a combination of commitment, faith and motivation, adding that the smart and brilliant innovation of Imam Khomeini was that he managed to mould the sacred national motivation and commitment into an organizational entity.

"Thank to Basij, the revolution never faltered even in the early awesome years of war. Actually the enthusiastic representation of Basij-inspired youths helped brim the hearts with hope and pride," the IR Leader appreciated.

Ayatollah Khamenei recommended Basij forces to study the lifestyle of the senior martyred Basij commanders and their braveries in the Sacred Defense so that they could better realize the merits of Basij.

Ayatollah Khamenei then pointed to the peace-time, civilian capability of the Basij organization to absorb elites in various social fields, adding that the capacity attests to the fact that the significance of Basij is not confined to the task of defending the country against political or military threats and rather the Basij is present wherever Islam or revolution needs a motivated and effective public assistance.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the global monopolist superpowers are holding an inner hostility towards the mottos of independence and justice championed by the Iranian nation, adding that the aliens are expanding their anti-Islamic and Anti-Iranian propaganda under different pretexts whereas the aware Iranian people would remain impenetrable and invincible against the enemies.

The Islamic Revolution Leader noted that by enhanced moralities and religious knowledge, Basij could sustain its progress and expand into the future generations of the dear Iran.
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