The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ceaseless endeavor essential to materialize revolutionary goals

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei recommended Saturday that in order to set up an accurate and precise judgment about the performance of the Islamic Revolution, one must consider the goals, the internal and external impediments and the accomplishments of the revolution through a large-scale approach.

Speaking to a gathering of over 20 thousand university professors or students in Fars province south of Iran, the IR Leader said that a united and ceaseless endeavor along with relentless combat against the sources of encumbrances would indeed help fulfill all the aspirations sought by the Islamic Revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that it is essential to take account of trivial matters when one is engaged in developing specific plans or programs, however when making judgment about a massive event like the Islamic Revolution, taking account of trivial matters might lead to confusion or ignorance.

The IR Leader elaborated that a first stage to achieve a precise and accurate judgment about the revolution is to deliberate on the goals of the enormous movement.

"By the revolution, the people were seeking to build an independent Iran, free from despotic rules, and brimful with prosperity, security, spirituality and scientific accomplishments so that other nations learn there is also a viable model of Islamic community there," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the audience that contrary to a false interpretation of Islam, all the material and spiritual goals of the revolution are inspired by its Islamic nature, adding that Islam is capable of fulfilling all spiritual or material needs of the mankind.

Concerning the requirement of taking into account the internal and external impediments facing the revolution before making any judgment about its performance, Ayatollah Khamenei said that according to Devine Providence any endeavor would inevitably face some sort of encumbrance so as to help such notions as Jihad (selflessness) and perseverance take a concrete form.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that should man makes selfless efforts, the Divine Providence would bring victory to him.

Ayatollah Khamenei outlined the internal obstacles facing the revolution as intellectual weakness, indolence, excessive tolerance, simple-mindedness, self-denial, and some misperceptions about Islamic views, especially regarding Mahdaviat (belief in eventual savior of the world).

"Many of these hurdles have been lifted by the help of people and authorities however some others are out there," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that the society suffers from such shortfalls as consumerism and pursuit of luxury life, adding that the pitfalls must be removed through a joint effort by people, authorities and the media.

Concerning the external impediments facing the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the eight-year imposed war (1980-88) as well as riots and unrests incited early in the revolution by rebels, counter-revolutionary elements and eventually those who had incurred some losses due to the Islamic Revolution.

"Even though the Iranian nation could effectively transforme the immense threats into a large opportunity for further progress, the protracted war inflicted heavy losses and damages on the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader said another external impediment to the revolution was the US mobilization of all its capacities to deal blows to the Iranian nation, adding that the nation and revolution had really struck a brilliant performance in light of the massive existing encumbrances in home and abroad.

Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the US full-blown deployment of forces against the Islamic Revolution to both the US policy of creating phony external enemies in a bid to cover up its domestic failures and the reality on the ground that the Iranian nation has seriously jeopardized the US domineering policies by hoisting the flag of resistance and global awakening.

The Islamic Revolution Leader noted that the Islamic System had made huge accomplishments as it currently possesses a larger wealth of experiences, more efficient management, more advanced scientific know-how, and more stable economic status than what were available early in the Islamic Revolution era.

"Moreover, the people have realized that it is wrong to copy other economic models and that it is essential to formulate an Islamic-Iranian model of development," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

"These are a range of strong points which would help the Iranian nation overcome all the existing hurdles provided these advantages are encapsulated with certain qualities," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the academic circles to study the above argument and provide effective solutions for any shortfalls, adding that the eventual imperative strategy would be the collective endeavor of people and authorities.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the students to avoid enemy decoy in academic circles and enhance their moral character.

"Spirituality and taking company with Koran and Sahife Sajjadiyeh would prove instrumental to your scientific quests and would thwart any projects which have targeted your religious and revolutionary spirit," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged for unity in the student associations, adding that the students must not allow their different tastes to lead to brawling over trivial matters.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the students to pave the ground for the national decision-making process by creating an atmosphere of reserach and debate in universities.

Ayatollah Khamenei also called on the young students to pursue social justice demands.

The Islamic Revolution Leader encouraged the students that after the Almighty God, he considers the faithful, ebulient students as his mainstay and that of the Islamic System.
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