The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI nation is interminably motivated

In a meeting with exemplary workers and officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

"Iranian nation will give another decisive response to the enemies' propaganda in the second round of parliamentary elections through their high presence and electing most competent candidates," Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday.

In a meeting with exemplary workers and officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the IR Leader said it is very important for the nation to show a high turnout in Friday polls and prove that its motivation is interminable.

"Another important duty is to elect most competent nominees; those who have concerns about people's affairs and cooperate with the cabinet, the Judiciary and other sectors to advance the country and implement great works," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader said that the progress of the country would be achieved through unity among the officials as well as unanimity between people and the authorities.

"The enemies are bent on making hue and cry out of even minor differences of taste practiced by the authorities. The issue demonstrates the importance of unity in the country," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding, "As underlined by the late Imam Khomeini on several occasions, we should keep unity and avoid creating any atmosphere of difference or conflict," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the Iranian nation for keeping vigilant in various occasions.

"With God's favor, the Iranian nation is vigilant and united. This is among the greatest bounties of God."

The IR Leader termed national independence as the main issue of the country, adding "The Iranian antion under the auspices of the Islamic Revolution achieved independence. The independence will remain if the economic pillars of the country are consolidated. The issue on its turn depends on work, production and innovation in different sectors."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the huge propaganda by America's hegemonic system and Zionist evil network against the Iranian nation, saying, "Because of the country's progressive move, the enemies have got disappointed in the face of the nation and so turned to provocation of allegations against the nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time being an administration is in office which can largely be characterized as administration of work and effort.

"The main elements of the administration are continually making endeavors to carry out invaluable and significant works. The members of the cabinet are really working as regular laborers," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Pointing to the position and role of workers in Iran's development and independence, Ayatollah Khamenei said the authorites must resolve the problems of the workers community by assisting job creators and pave more ground for worker agencies.

The IR Leader then elaborated on Islam's views about job creation, saying, "Laborers and labor agencies are both essential for the Islamic System. However, the government must prepare ground for proper cooperation between these two in a way that no one would violate the rights of the other."

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the audience to pay more attention to labor ethics and innovation.

"Top on every agenda must be to honor work and respect workers," the IR Leader then urged.
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