The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Iranian Army Commanders

On the eve of the Army Day, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution received a group of high-ranking army commanders on Wednesday, April 16.

In this meeting, which was attended by Major General Salehi, His Eminence congratulated all army members and their families on this occasion. Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the Army's spirit of religiousness, faith and reliance on Allah and said that the duty of the Armed Forces is to defend the country in all conditions and that the army must always be in a state of constant readiness.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces described the innovative capacity of the Army as high and said that it could be increased. His Eminence reiterated that the army has been able to meet many of its requirements by relying on its scientific capabilities and that these capabilities are now praised by those who witness them.

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