The Office of the Supreme Leader

March 14 elections, a great test of dignity for nation

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei described the March 14 eighth parliamentary elections as a great nationwide test of dignity and sovereignty for the Iranian nation and the Islamic system.

In a speech to a large gathering of people from across the country, Ayatollah Khamenei said the alert Iranian nation would frustrate the US-led global arrogance once more through an enthusiastic turnout in the politico-religious undertaking.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the relentless, wide propaganda of the global bullies to provoke apathy in the March 14 parliamentary elections stems from their animosity with Islam and the Islamic Republic.

"They are watching the great Iranian nation having hoisted the flag of Islamic awakening and dignity. For the same reason, they are advocating against any issue which helps promote dignity and welfare of Iran or the Iranians," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader touched on recent remarks by the American authorities that they were pursuing a further anti-Iranian resolution in the UNSC so that the Iranian people would be demoted from going to ballot, adding, "Those who are professing democracy are openly moving against the case of democracy and election in Iran because they have realized the ballot would set the stage of progress and strength of the Iranian nation."

"The alert and brave Iranian people however will go to ballot more emotionally than past and will forestall a plot by the international bullies to undermine the Islamic establishment," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the wide propaganda also aims to provoke disbelief among people regarding the great services of the sitting Administration and Legislature.

"The opponents of a standby Iranian nation are bent on spreading mistrust about the health and fairness of the upcoming elections. However, I say in full confidence that all the elections held ever have been precise and healthy and so would be the Friday elections," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

The IR Leader said that of paramount importance in the eighth parliamentary elections was the coming about of a massive turnout, adding that over the past thirty years, the decisive presence of people had always stood a source of strength for the country and the government and had increasingly enlivened the revolutionary values and slogans.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that a leading revolutionary value was to solidify faith in the heart of people, adding that by God's assistance and vigor of people, the eighth parliament would convene based on the revolutionary platform.

Ayatollah Khamenei summed up the values as as social justice, combat against corruption, promotion of religious democracy and freedom of people under Islamic regulations.

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled that different legislatures of the past or present had taken differing positions regarding issues of national concerns, adding that the reality would point to the necessity of prudence on the part of people to vote in the most competent nominees.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the people to consult aware and trustworthy individuals so that they would elect those lawmakers who are faithful and sincere, advocate justice and the underprivileged people, counter corruption and keep adherence to the line of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic values.

The IR Leader also urged the people to vote to individuals who had kept a distinct boundary with the enemy views and goals.

Ayatollah Khamenei encouraged the people that they would earn Divine Reward by their very participation in the elections, adding that an accurate choice would receive double Rewards.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the American authorities have proved ignorant by their ceaseless touches on the eighth parliamentary elections in Iran "as the issue has prompted the Muslim nations to follow Iran's elections more carefully to see how the nation takes on the great scene and whom it votes to."

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled quotes from Imam Khomeini, the Departed in which he urged the people not to be intimidated by enemy frown or imprecation, adding, "The honorable Imam believed that the enemies of nation never praise anyone frivolously. The alert Iranian nation would always remember the word of Imam."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted that all the national political affiliations must keep a clear boundary with the aliens, adding, "Fortunately, save for a small minority, the national political associations are in consensus over the fundamentals of Islam and revolution. However, in the face of enemy, the parties must left aside reservations and clarify their boundaries. Only God and nation must be cared about. This is a principle."

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei offered congratulations on the auspicious advent of the Islamic month of Rabii-ol Awwal, the birth month of the Last Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad and the month in which the historical event of Hijrah took place.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the whole life of the Noblest Messenger was inspirational, instructive and invigorating.

"If the Muslims consider the hidden treasure deliberately and hold fast to the Messenger's lifestyle, the Islamic umma will reach so sublime a position where no power could bully the Muslims or intimidate them," Ayatollah Khamenei suggested.

The Islamic Revolution Leader noted the Zionists and certain governments which live under their influence have jointly deployed forces against Islam, namely in their organized insulting propaganda against the character of the Revered Messenger of Allah.

"The hegemony system is scared about Muslims' attention to the teachings of the Noblest Messenger which would naturally result in the Islamic awakening and empowerment of a one-and-half-billion-strong Muslim community thereby they have made the Last Messenger subject to a barrage of propaganda attacks," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic of Iran has currently hoisted the flag of Islam and promotes the teachings of the Holy Messenger, adding that the world has realized the true face of the American government and the Zionist regime.

"Human rights issue, democracy and nuclear energy all are excuses for America to exert pressure on Iran. However, the world people have realized the true face of the American government and the Zionist regime and consider them as the biggest enemies of humanity as the people watch the tragic events in Gaza, Palestine and Iraq," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on US President's objection to an anti-torture provision, saying, "Those who profess to support human rights have now openly raised the flag of torture. These realities have turned the slogan of death to America, once heard only from Iran, into a common motto for the Muslim nations and many other non-Muslim nations," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.
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