The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader - Nuclear achievements great and noteworthy

"Adherence to the platforms and priciples of the Islamic system by the officials and people and declaring them obviously and without fear, resistance and clever presence in the scene are the main factors of the country's pride and progress in the different courses including the great nuclear success," the Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Tuesday.

In a meeting with the represantatives of the Leadership Assembly of Experts, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the 8th Majlis elections is an important case in which the peolpe would take part massively and through God's favor would bring progress, glory and greatness to the Islamic system more than the past.

The IR Leader hailed the progress of the Islamic system during the past 29 years specially in recent years and added that nuclear issue was one of these advancements which really was a great and noteworthy one.

"Those who said in the past that we should quit the nuclear activities now they say that we are ready to accept your achievements on condition that it prolonges for a short time. Therefore this achievement will not be earned without resistance," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

He highlighted the role of the President and his resistance over the nuclear achievement and added "Beside the nation's resistance, the 7th Majlis in opposition to some people in past course really stood firmly in this regard.

The IR Leader thanked various groups of people, respected religious authorities, great Alims and different officials specially government and Majlis for adoption of clear stances over the nuclear issue and added that smart presence of the people in the scene and unity among officials will secure the Islamic system's strength.

He highlighted the importance of the 8th Majlis elections and hailed good performance of the 7th Majlis.

"With God's favor the people will show a high turnout in this course too and we hope that the people choose the represantatives who are brave, pious, expert and sympathetic to the people to form a more active Majlis at service of the Islamic system's interests."

He termed the structure of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran as unique in clarification of the platforms and principles of the Islamic system and added "The Islamic Republic is a unique reality which established a political and social system, so this system's priciples are different form international norms and these norms can not be followed by the Islamic system's priciples."

He noted that the Islamic system's different platforms would not mean ignoring the scientific successes and experiences of others and stressed "We evaluate the successes of the other's experiences on the basis of the Islamic system's priciples."

Ayatollah Khamenei named the Priciples of the Revolution and the late Imam Khomeini's way as the principles of the Islamic system and said "The Imam's way is the same as the principles of the pure Islam and Imam Khomeini would not hesitate about explanation of these principles."

"Justice is the decisive principle of the Islamic system." he added.

The IR Leader pointed to the economic justice and stressed "As we see in Imam Ali's (AS) words, the criteria of performing economic justice is comparing our life with the poorest people of the society."

He termed adoption of clear stances against the enemies and being proud of the values of the Islamic Revolution as the other principles of the Islamic system and added "We can reveal or hide the Islamic system's prudences on the basis of expediency but the entity of the the system should be clear forever because that is the symbol of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"Announcement of values and principles of the Islamic system would bring pride and progress to the country," he added.

"Making discussions over the Islamic values and specify boundaries with the enemies is another priciple of the system," he said adding that the Islamic Revolution forces with different political affiliation should cooperate with each other and specify their ideological boundaries with the enemy.

The IR Leader said the enemy tries to manipulate culture to influence political and economic issues.

"An example of such projects is the attempt to devide the country's political apparatus into radicals and moderates," he added.

He said that in the enemy's division those who beleive in the principles of the Islamic system will be names as radicals.

"Thank God, the country's current atmosphere and the society dialogue is the dialogue of adherence to the values and all the branches of the government honor to this adherence."

"The enemy tries to devide the country's political groups into radicals and moderates and has announced clearly that the pressures should be increased over Iran in a way to bring the moderates or those who do not beleive in the Islamic system to power in the two important elections," he added.

"These principles should be the basis for unity and national cooperation and even a minority which has not accepted these principles will enjoy the public rights as citizens."

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has turned into the number one power in the region through the people's resistance, braveness and presence in the scene," he said.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has turned into the number one power of the region through the people's resistance, braveness and presence in the scene," he said.

He pointed to the position of the Islamic system in the world and the enemies' efforts against it and added that unity is a necessary need for the country.

"Unity needs some prerequisites and the groups should leave aside different political views."

He termed culture and the cultural confrontation as important issues and added "Culture is similar to atmosphere in a society. If it is safe, the behavior of the people will be improved.
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