The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iranians determined to grow into a powerful nation

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei affirmed Sunday that the Iranian nation was determined to grow into a powerful nation and set example for other nations by marching along its revolutionary platform and taking help of its historical heritage and young talents.

In a speech to a large crowd of people from East Azarbaijan province, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Revolution could live an increasingly exuberant life owing to its alert people, their standing by the revolutionary values and its national assets.

The IR Leader marked a February 18, 1978 uprising by the people in the provincial city of Tabriz and described the move as a turning point in the history of the 1979 Islamic Revolution and a token of public alertness and braveness.

"These qualities embrace the secret to the freedom of nations from bully and their march towards prosperity and salvation. The Iranian nation thank to the leadership of Imam Khomeini (R.A.) moved from an arrogance- and despotism-wrecked status to a live, alert and powerful nation where it could field its national strength," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the faith and perseverance of people would help distinguish the Islamic Revolution from other world revolution. He elaborated on the argument by making mention of early last week's nationwide rallies across the I.R. of Iran held to mark the 29th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

"Even with 29 years on since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the presence and ebullience of the public in this year's ceremonies were far stronger than the previous years. It proves the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation are alive," the IR Leader said.

"Those individuals who on the spur of the moment pronounced the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini as bygone in the public eye a few years ago were wrong as we now see the revolutionary slogans more thriving than past so that the people are placing more interest on those who are more caring for the mottos," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Revolution helped promote the Iranian nation to its present status and boosted confidence in its youth.

"The principal motive behind the enemy's pressure and blackmail is that the enemy is anxious about the resolve of the Iranian nation to keep its confident and fast march towards revolutionary aspirations. In fact, an efficient Islamic Revolution would endanger the position of arrogance among the Islamic countries," Ayatollah khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei then brought up the recent remarks by the US President who had urged for further pressure on the Iranian nation to make it waive nuclear technology, noting that the westerners knew Iran was not after nuclear weapon however they tried to bar the nation from achieving a top-notch technology on its own because such a breakthrough would enliven self-belief among the Muslims.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said that only through setting up a powerful perseverance against America and the rest of arrogant fold a nation would be able to exercise its rights.

"Against the barrage of propagandas and pressures, the Iranian nation unequivocally declares it would protect its rights and would fulfill them knowing that the God would take it to task in case it fails the mission," Ayatollah Khamenei averred.

The Islamic Revolution Leader then recalled the theme of the current Iranian nation named the year of national unity upon his directive, urging for further cohesion in the revolutionary structure.

"The year of the national unity issues call on the house of revolution to consolidate its internal cohesion irrespective of trivial differences or useless wrangles," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The IR Leader then recalled the upcoming March 14 parliamentary elections and considered it as a public stage.

"In the past editions of elections, I called for a massive and enthusiastic presence of people because going to ballot runs counter to enemy desire," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"By a large turnout in the polls, people would make diligence in the path of Allah and they would receive the Almighty's bounties," the IR Leader underlined.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged for people to vote to the most competent nominees, adding that as a key quality, those voted in must further promote the revolutionary mottoes, regardless of their partisan affiliations.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the problems would be resolved by living up to the mottoes of the Islamic Revolution, adding that only those individuals who have faith in Islam, Islamic evolution's slogans and national abilities should be voted into the decision making bodies.

In the same context, Ayatollah Khamenei urged the people to be wary of double-faced persons.

Ayatollah Khamenei also commemorated the memory of the senior Lebanese warrior Hajj Imad Mughniyeh, adding that the mottoes of the Islamic Revolution provided a source of honor to many Muslim, including the assassinated Hezbollah commander.

"Martyr Hajj Imad Mughniyeh who died a martyr at the hands of the Zionists considered himself as descendant of Imam Khomeini and felt pride because Imam revived him and other Lebanese and Palestinian youths and imbued them with a new spirit," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed the disgraceful defeat of the Zionist regime and America against a few faithful, lightly-armed young Lebanese men in the Sumer 2006 war as the fruit of the Islamic Revolution and the movement of Imam Khomeini.

"The Lebanese youths tore apart the myth of invincibility of the Zionist regime and America by reliance on God and renouncing fear of death," the Islamic Revolution Leader affirmed.
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