The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iran found new identity after revolution

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said that the Iranian Islamic Establishment has been dignified owing to the sustained march forward of the Iranian nation since the triumph of the Islamic Revolution 28 years ago, calling the upcoming nationwide rallies to mark the event as a venue of national resolve and grandeur.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks Friday morning in an allegiance renewal ceremony by the Iranian Airmen on the eights day of ten-day national celebrations in commemoration of the Islamic Revolution triumph, February 1979.

The annual ceremony is staged to mark a historical allegiance the Iranian air force made with the founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini the departed on February 8, 1979.

Ayatollah Khamenei placed a premium on the upcoming nationwide march, adding that the revolutionary ceremonies, despite what happens in many other countries, are totally organized by the public so that the people are turning out under any conditions.

"This year as well the Iranian people will make an even much more enthusiastic presence in the scene and demonstrate their resolve and national solidarity with the Islamic Revolution in the eyes of the world," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

"Those who are expected to note the amount of solidarity on the part of the Iranian nation with the revolution will note it and for the same reason the turnout in the Bahman 22 (Feb 11) marches is of paramount importance," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

Ayatollah Khamenei identified prudence, inspirational faith and risk-taking mood as among the factors driving the dignity of the Iranian nation in the course of the Islamic Revolution years.

"The Islamic Revolution put dignity in the place of alien-imposed humiliation, independence in the place of bitter dependence of the Taaghut (unbelieving rulers) era and grandeur in the place of complete surrender to the aliens," the IR Leader affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei averred that the country found a new identity following the Islamic Revolution triumph by laying the foundation of a democratic establishment based on human values after ousting the totalitarian and hereditary rule of the sultanate.

The IR Leader noted that the Iranian nation had already paid the costs of covering the path of progress, adding that thank to the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian nation has turned into a dignified and inspirational nation and the Islamic Republic system is sovereign so that all the regional and ultra-regional powers have found no option but to admit to the reality.

"The overall outcome of different stances and assignments in the past 28 years has been a steady march of the Iranian nation forward which has never get halted despite all enemy efforts and in the future too it would not stop," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader said the current appreciative tone the global powerhouses are practicing towards the Iranian nation was the fruit of the nation's perseverance in the path of progress.

"Some of the decision making centers in the world are expressing their appreciation in a hostile, envious mood while some others with satisfaction. Nevertheless, the Muslim nations and even some non-Muslim ones are lauding the Iranian nation in all their enthusiasm," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised the issue of the upcoming parliamentary elections set for March 14 and called it a touchy and decisive issue.

"A reviewing of the previous elections helps prove that the hostile propaganda efforts of the global arrogance have revolved around provoking a low turnout in elections, all to no avail nonetheless. The issue would point to the significance of the polls," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said the enemies have got frustrated with the democracy of the Iranian nation.

"Those who invade other countries and commit bloodshed under color of democracy would find no option but to allege lack of freedom or popular enthusiasm in the electorate or otherwise make efforts to scrap the polls when they come to deal with the Iranian democracy," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that at some periods the enemies tried to scrap the Iranian vote through a few deceived elements but their efforts ended up in failure.

Ayatollah Khamenei deemed it a national undertaking and a religious obligation for the Iranian people to take part in the elections, adding that the assignment would not lose its essentiality by the coming to power of a specific political party and thereby all the people must know themselves obliged to cast ballot without any excuse.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Iranian electoral system as one of the healthiest compared to other countries.

"I have instructed the authorities in charge of elections to strictly follow the Constitution. Every one must respect the rule of law because the Constitution specifies the boundaries of truth and falsehood. It must not be bypassed," Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the authorities to take care to fulfill the rights of all the nominees and at the same time try to protect the rights of people in a way that neither the incompetent nominees are allowed to stand vote nor the competent ones are deprived of their rights.

Ayatollah Khamenei in some other parts of his speech offered congratulations to the IRI's Air Force over their annual day and praised the historical move of the Force to join the ranks of revolution in February 8, 1979 as a brave, timely move which reflected the overall sentiment and thought of the Army's Air Force at that time.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces said the Army found a new identity following the Islamic Revolution and successfully passed the test of Sacred Defense against the invading forces of Saddam Hussein (1908-88).

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Force to double its efforts in the track of progress by reliance on material means and at the same time through promotion of faith.

Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to the Palestinian issue, saying that the ongoing Gaza siege and the ensuing Israeli bloodshed in the area were an immediate outcome of Washington's wrong policies in the Middle East and its shameful Annapolis conference.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on the Islamic governments to join ranks to break the Gaza siege, adding that the Egyptian nation and government bear a heavy responsibility in this regard.

The Islamic Revolution Leader urged the Muslim nations to give backing to the Egyptian nation and government so that they could fulfill the undertaking.

"At time when the Gaza population are enduring fire and blood following the visit of the American President to the region, there would be no use in the negotiations of the regional countries with America and the usurper Zionist regime," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned the Arab governments to beware not to play into the hands of the arrogance against the people of Gaza otherwise shame would linger on their forehead forever.

The Islamic Revolution Leader considered resistance and perseverance as the only alternative for the Palestinians to gain freedom.

"The perseverance of the Palestinians and the Gaza people in the face of the immense economic pressure and bloodshed is indeed praiseworthy," Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated, urging the Palestinian nation however to be wary of the enemy conspiracies to drive a wedge between the Palestinian nation and their elected government (Hamas).
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