The Office of the Supreme Leader

Hajj ceremonies, a rewarding opportunity to present Islam

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei appreciated the Iranian functionaries in charge of the Hajj ceremonies for their good performance in this year's edition of the Islamic rituals.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged a group of the senior officials in charge of organizing the grand rituals Tuesday that the Hajj ceremonies would turn into a rewarding opportunity to present the Islamic values and the revolution provided they keep on cultural programs by using any potentials at hand.

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the audience there are high potentials in the Hajj ceremonies to administer spiritual and cultural activities, adding that the dormant potentials would bloom if due planning was applied.

Ayatollah Khamenei summed up the items of a due planning as broader exchanges with top scholars in Howzeh (faculties of Islamic studies in Iran), utilization of academic boards and genius authors, establishment of a self-standing course on Hajj studies, and adaptation to taste and demand of the potential audience.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed hope that the Hajj authorities would increasingly improve their services to the pilgrims of the House of Allah thank to the existing harmony between the Hajj organization, the Mecca-based representative office of the IR Leader and the bodies in charge of the external relations.

Menawhile, Hojjat-ol-Islam Mohammadi-Rey-Shahri, the IR Leader's representative for the Hajj affairs, noted in the meeting that at the moment, the pilgrims of the House of Allah tend to consider the rituals as a politico-religious undertaking where the Muslims from different races and denominations there join the political ceremonies of renouncing the pagans.

Khaksar Ghahroudi, chief of the IRI Hajj organization too delivered a report on the activities and performance of the organization.
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