The Office of the Supreme Leader

Yazd province, a rewarding zone for investment

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Saturday tapped the central Iranian Yazd province as a rewarding ground for development and revenue generations especially considering the bountiful human and natural resources the province cradles.

Ayatollah Khamenei instructed the authorities to make the most of the abilities and resources on the ground to expedite the provincial development.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted in a working session with senior Executive and provincial authorities that the Yazd province locates at the crossroad of the country.

The IR Leader assigned the authorities, especially the Yazd province's governor general to make serious procurement efforts for quicker implementation of any ratifications related to the province.

The IR Leader specified textile manufacturing industry as topping the possible grounds for investment in Yazd, urging for the renovation of the provincial textile industry by due planning and use of domestic know-hows.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the encumbrance of water shortage in the province and instructed the relevant authorities to prioritize the implementation of water projects in the province.

Ayatollah Khamenei also instructed the provincial authorities in charge of cultural affairs to further broaden cultural and spiritual projects in the province, especially considering the dominantly faithful population of the Yazd province, known as Dar-ol-Ebada (house of worship) among the Iranian people.
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