The Office of the Supreme Leader

Resurrection of Islam is indebtted to Iranian martyrs

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei likened the Iranian nation's martyrs and war veterans to the roots of the soaring majesty of the Islamic System.

"The historical resurrection of Islam and the awakening of the Islamic umma (community) is indebted to the movement of the Iranian nation and the sacrifices the families of its martyrs made. In the past three decades, thee sacrifices have helped advance the cause by a distance normally to be covered in hundreds of years," Ayatollah Khamenei told the families of martyrs in Yazd province central Iran Thursday.

"Not only the Iranian nation takes honor in them (Iranian martyrs), they are also a source of pride for human generation," Ayatollah Khamenei said, touching on the robust defense the Iranian soldiers mounted against the western-backed invading forces of the executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein credited as Sacred Defense among the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei then paid homage to those who lost their body parts in the sacred defense, known as Janbaz (sacrificing soldier) among the Iranian nation, describing them as live martyrs.

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled the ordeal the Janbaz people are enduring in their life, adding, "For every moment these dear folks endure the pain and difficulties of being a Janbaz thankful to God for His Will, they would indeed be rewarded by God so much so that they would be crowned as martyrs by Him when they meet Him provided they keep the same spirit."

The Islamic Revolution Leader paid respect to the families of the martyrs and the sacrificing soldiers for the patience and the perseverance they accorded following their ordeals and called them the great pillars of the Islamic System.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed it a public duty to respect the dear folks and their families.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that any progress requires dedication, adding that thank to the dedication of the martyrs and Janbaz families, the flag of Islam has been hoisted in the world.

"Thank to the Iranian nation's revolution, spirituality resumed life in the dominantly materialistic world of today. The event brought grandeur and dignity to the Iranian nation and the honor primarily belongs to the martyrs, the sacrificing soldiers and their families," the Islamic Revolution Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised the existing motivation of the country's youths to make diligence in different political, social and scientific fields, calling them the flag bearers of sacrifice and dediction in the drive to promote Islam and the Islamic Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei concluded his remarks by commemorating the memory of Ayatollah Sadooqi, a prominent Alim of Yazd province martyred early in revolution, as well as nearly 4000 martyrs of the central Iranian province.
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