The Office of the Supreme Leader

Next ballot, a paramount test

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told an immense gathering of people in Yazd province central Iran Wednesday that national confidence has largely provided the Iranian nation with the motivation to accomplish its different objectives.

The IR Leader offered sincere thanks to the people who had convened several hours earlier to greet him upon his arrival in an enthusiastic climate.

The IR Leader viewed the upcoming parliamentary elections as the paramount issue facing the Iranian nation in the current Iranian year, describing the polls as a large field to demonstrate the purpose, perseverance, and prudence of the nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei unveiled that there were some enemy efforts in place to undercut and scrap the ballot system of the IRI government. "The effort went to nowhere however with the Will of the Almighty God as the people granted magnificent colors to the theme of religious democracy by their ballot in different polls."

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that a massive turnout in the upcoming eighth parliamentary elections was of paramount importance. The IR Leader then reminded that the next point of note in row was a strict effort by the electoral to identify the most competent nominees.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the nominees who are declared qualified by the Constitutional Guardian Council to stand vote differ in their levels of competency, adding that people in different cities would strike a smart political choice by selecting the best candidates in terms of faithfulness, sincerity, trustworthiness, and preparedness to stand by revolutionary tests.

"Vote to those who are most careful about the needs and requirements of the people," the IR Leader encouraged, adding that once the best nominees were voted in, a Majlis (parliament) which best caters to the needs of the people would be convened.

Ayatollah Khamenei alerted the people not to take colorful polls campaign or impractical elections promises of further provincial development as a yardstick in identifying the best candidates, saying that provincial development lies in the scope of government whereas deputies of the parliament are assigned to identify and ratify necessary laws and regulations for the executive and judicial bodies to implement.

Ayatollah Khamenei strongly urged the election candidates and their supporters to avoid any acts of defamations, ethics breaches and libels during their campaigns.

"Defamation of people by nightly campaign leaflets, the press, the web sites and by any other means is never allowed and flouts the good of the nation. I strongly call on the supporters of the nominees to take care to only campaign for their intended people and avoid the regular defamatory methods practiced in some other countries," Ayatollah Khamenei encouraged.

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei viewed self-confidence as a remedy for thought and soul. The IR Leader illustrated the metaphor by recalling the role of national confidence in accomplishment of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the successive revolutionary tests.

"The great Iranian nation is on track to accomplish its essential goal of establishing an Islamic community. The prideful path could be covered only with national confidence," the IR Leader underlined.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei outlined the major features of the Islamic community as full establishment of social justice, prevalence of Islamic ethics, bravery and spirit of dignity accompanied by secured livelihood.

"All these features would only accomplish for a community which only seeks prosperity and salvation in the worship of God. The faithful Iranian nation is aspiring for the goal from depth of heart," Ayatolah Khamenei added.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said the present moral, sexual, family and economic crises with which the west grapples prove that scientific and material progress is unable to attend to human aspirations and bring real salvation.

Ayatollah Khamenei credited the faithful spirit of the nation as conducive to establish a system based on popular vote and affection, adding that no country in the region could surpass Iran with respect to reliance on popular will and demands.

The IR Leader regretted that some individuals, out of their factional and political sentiments and for the happiness of the enemy, put up a downbeat mood about democracy in Iran despite numerous elections already held in the country in a free and lively atmosphere with different political affiliations at hand.

Ayatollah Khamenei called religious democracy a fresh version of government existing alongside other versions of democracy in the world, adding, "the Iranian nation inspired by its faith in God has opted for the dear Islam as platform of democracy, presenting the world with religious and Islamic democracy. This has prompted the Muslim nations to look up to the nation."

The IR Leader recalled a raft of propaganda campaigns against the IRI policy regarding religious democracy, women issue, foreign diplomacy, and relations with superpowers, adding that the Iranian nation has not been and would not be fooled by the rabble rousing.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the confident mood of the nation had been the driving force behind its remarkable advances in nuclear technology and the super-modern stem cells science as well as its accomplishment to cure some refractory diseases. The Leader confidently said that the nation would keep the path of progress.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure with the pioneering measure of President Ahmadinejad Administration to stage regular provincial visits to identify and settle problems firsthand adding that the ratifications reached in these visits are invaluable.

"Resolution of problems is not an easy work. However, the authorities are making untiring effort to lift the problems. This is an invaluable effort," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the nation and the government are currently enjoying a deep mutual trust despite enemy effort to confuse people by blaming different bodies for the problems.

"The Iranian nation is alert. It has found that the authorities are sincere. Hence the ever solidifying bond between the people and the authorities," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
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