The Office of the Supreme Leader

Fight against disunity great lesson of Ghadir

Elaborating deep aspects of the Ghadir feast, the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei described the great lesson from the Ghadir event for the Iranian nation as endeavor and steady motion for establishment of the Islamic society and added that following Imam Ali (AS), the Islamic world should avoid disunity and strengthen Islamic unity and harmony.

In a speech to an audience of people, the IR Leader congratulated all Muslims and believers specially the Iranian Alavi (who follow Imam Ali (AS)) on the occasion of the great Ghadir Feast and said that determining of Imamat (teachings of the Twelve Imams) as the main approach of the Islamic government is the ideological aspect of Ghadir.

"Appointment of Imam by the Noblest Messenger of Allah and in fact by the Exalted Allah showed that from the standpoint view of Islam the governemnt has the meaning of Imamat and it does not limit to management of the ordinary life."

Ayatollah Khamenei described the meaning of the Imamt as administrating this and the next world of the nations and perfection of the humans' spirits and added that 'this deep and basic approach distinguishes reign in the Islam from other governments and Shia on the basis of this bright logic could prove its righteousness during the history.'

"Paying attention to Imam Ali's (AS) unique characteristics is another aspect of the Ghadir event," the IR Leader said adding that "In the Ghadir event a person should have appointed to the Imamat who is the origin of all virtues and the divine evaluations showed that Imam Ali (AS) had these great virtues."

"We should follow the model of Imam Ali's (AS) government and try steadily to establish a really Alavi society."

"Justice, piety, monotheism, kindness to all people and humans, standing against deviation for the divine path were the characteristics of Imam Ali's (AS) government," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that 'maintaning unity and harmony among Muslims is another lesson from Ghadir event.'

"Imam Ali (AS) was appointed by the Noblest Messenger of Allah but when he saw that Islam was in danger he quit his right for the sake of Islam and Muslims' unity. He even cooperated with someone who had not any right for governing the Islamic society."

He added that "the Iranian nation enjoys the strongest logic, the logic of Imamt and Velayat and does not seek to prove itself through denying others. By following Imam Ali (AS), the Iranian nation is the flag-bearer of the Islamic unity and harmony.

Pointing to the necessity of vigilance against the enemies' complicated moves against the Islamic Ummah, the IR Leader said that the great lesson of Ghadir fighting difference and discord and for implementing it, the Islamic sects should avoid insulting each other's beliefs and foil the Imperialism's plot for sowing discord among Shia and Sunni."

Pointing to the upcoming Majlis elections, he said,"what important is that the nation would consider the elections as devine test and a field for showing efficiency because neglecting the enemy in this regard may bring some losses.
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